
Friday, October 08, 2010

Look at yourself in the mirror, Phil.......

This is coming from a country that is considering (if they haven't already) not only legalizing pot but also smal amounts of heroin, cocaine and LSD?
Hey, I don't agree with legalizing weed here in Kalifornia but this is the pot calling the kettle black here.

TIJUANA, Mexico -- President Felipe Calderon said Thursday that a California ballot measure to legalize marijuana represents hypocrisy in U.S. drug policy for encouraging consumption while at the same time demanding that Mexico and other countries crack down on drug trafficking.
"For me, it reflects a terrible inconsistency in government policies in the United States," the Mexican leader said late Thursday in an interview with The Associated Press.

Read more:


  1. Well sure he's against legalizing pot. That would cut into his black market profits. Felipe Calderon speaking about law is like Larry Flint preaching the gospel

  2. Ask yourself why Calderon wants pot to be illegal. I'm voting yes on 19 and I don't touch the stuff.


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