
Monday, January 30, 2012

The Bullshitometer just pegged out

(USA Today) — First lady Michelle Obama says it will likely be a quiet Super Bowl at the White House this year, probably featuring President Obama’s favorite football snack: Nachos.
“Super Bowl food — you know nachos are always good,” Mrs. Obama told talk show host Rachael Ray, as long as “it’s fresh tomato sauce and you get it on sort of a good quality tortilla.”
The first lady agreed with the Ray, also a host on the Food Network, that nachos can be made in a healthy way.
“Yeah you can do it,” Mrs. Obama said. “You can do it. Yeah I love nachos and the president loves avocado — that’s his favorite snack food, a chip dipped in some guac.”
The Rachael Ray interview of Mrs. Obama airs Wednesday. [...]
Mrs. Obama also said she has “the best job on the planet,” but sometimes she misses the little things like shopping at Target.
“I have this wonderful platform that we can shine the light on so many important issues and galvanize the country in ways that I would never be able to do if I wasn’t first lady. … But there are definitely times when you want to make one run to your kid’s soccer game without a motorcade. You know? So you begin to value anonymity and you lose that, but it’s a small price to pay for being able to serve the country you love.”


First off, what the hell is a good quality tortilla? We're talking a fucking tortilla here, lady, not some kind of fancy bread. A tortilla is lard, water, and flour or mesa, maybe a little bit of baking powder thrown in for grins. Fuck, I've made them when I was hunting and cooked them on a flat rock and they were better than any store-bought 'tillas. Good quality tortillas my ass. Shut the fuck up.

And the Country you love? Are you fucking kidding me? Hell, you weren't even proud of it until your boy (whoops, should've put up the racist alert for that one) managed to talk his way into the presidency, remember? Or did you "mis-speak"?


  1. Riight. I can imagine her off camera. "Get this shit out of here and give two whole chickens!"
    And a diet coke.

  2. Fuck that lard assed wookie! The country she "loves" yeah, right!! The only thing she's loving about it is the money she's spending on fucking vacations for her and her tag along suckasses.


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