
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I've been that fucked up before


  1. Little fucker sure keeps the toilet clean.

  2. Someday in the future, his parents are going to bring that picture to show to his girlfriend, and.....

  3. I am a 45 year old Christian, wife, mother, c
    onservative, and gun owner with a permit to carry. I read here everyday. You crack me up. I love your "Been there, Done that" pics...not because I have ever done anything or been anywhere. ;)Actually, I am always calling out to my husband to come in and see what Knuckledraggin has to say.

  4. Giving birth to a democrat !

  5. Potty training sucks kid.

    I know fer sure. As a senior citizen I had to retrain and when I failed my training they put me in "depends"!

    Think about this as you go through life son cause it gets truer the older you get:

    "Your only good day was yesterday!

  6. I think most parents have a picture like that stashed away somewhere. Nice way to blackmail your 35 year old kid.

  7. "I've been that fucked up before "
    Usually head first then...

  8. Hey, I used the exactly same tiles in my bathroom.


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