
Monday, June 04, 2012

Just makes it easier to shoot 'em down.

Many animal lovers find it hard to part with their pets when they die.
So when cat Orville, named after the famous aviator Orville Wright, was run over by a car, his artist owner decided to turn him into a permanent piece of artwork as the ultimate tribute by transforming him into a flying helicopter.
Dutch artist Bart Jansen first stuffed Orville before teaming up with radio control helicopter flyer Arjen Beltman to build a specially-designed flying mechanism to attach to the cat.

And thanks again to Skidmark for the link.


  1. Gee, that's not weird or anything!

  2. I wonder if you could do something similar with the wife...

  3. Let the fur fly!

  4. That's sick and twisted.
    WTF is wrong with the english?

  5. Oh Christ!!!! Duck Kenny. I can just hear the peta fucks hammering their keyboards now...........hahaha You better another T-shirt that says.......

  6. That's fucking sick and that is coming from someone who would readily shoot his own cat or dog for a meal if times got tough enough.

  7. Stinkwilly beat me to it.

  8. I'd like to do that to my exwife if she ever had the decency to fucking die. By the way, I'm used to answering to stupid motherfucker so I'll just sign to avoid confusion. the rat

  9. I'd do it just to screw with people who live in high rise apartments.

  10. This may better than we think......

    Can you imagine the fun CGD would have trying to chase that cat down?

    Or maybe mount a Ruger MKII on him and really hunt mice?

    Or do fly-over of the crazy cat lady's house and convince her it's a feline god and she should build a shrine/helipad?

    Or find some Occu-Tards that are tripping on acid and really send 'em on a bad trip?

    The possibilities are very interesting.



  11. Would be a helluva thing to look out your window and see a helicat staring back at you. Might not be a bad idea to use if one's got a problem with bird shitting all over the place.

    What a fucking world, I love it! Thanks for the laugh WC!!!


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