
Monday, June 01, 2020

Just How Exaggerated Is The COVID-19 Death Count?

As the “official” tally of COVID-19 deaths tops 100,000 in the U.S., we keep hearing how that number is likely a low-ball estimate. But there’s far more evidence that the death count has been knowingly exaggerated – possibly by a very wide margin.

A recent Seattle Times article pretty much lays out the charade going on.


  1. Who the hell knows?

    Johns-Hopkins: 104,399
    Worldometer: 106,241
    CDC 1: 103,700


    CDC 2: 83,142 is the number of deaths actually CODED U07.1.

  2. The 1968 pandemic lists the US deaths as 100,000 but that was thru 1970 and the population was a lot smaller then. Ought to be honest numbers because no one noticed it at the time.
    Look at today and thank the corporate owned MSM.

  3. Like nothing else in our history, COVID numbers and announcements and plans and accusations show how governments lie. And lie and lie and lie. And they won't back away and admit their lies.

    1. Uh, you forgot that governments also cheat and steal when they are not lying.

  4. Same thing on this side of the lake: the statistics are completely bogus because "with CV" is conflated with "of CV" and nobody is making the real numbers public. The MSM don't bother with the facts - facts would spoil their OTT "reporting".

  5. Not surprising that the death statistics are bullshit. It serves multiple political purposes to inflate the death count upwards. And "cause of death" on death certificates can be in error or irrelevant to actual cause of death.

    Here is a personal example. My mother was suffering from mild dementia at the time of her death. It was mostly like Lewy Body Dementia (as opposed to Alzheimer). So mom had a "spell" one day and went to hospital. Her symptoms apparently resolved in under 24 hours, so it was classified (appropriately) as a TIA, or transient ischemic attack. Then she started having choking and swallowing problems. A brain MRI was obtained and showed a very tiny area of damage, she'd had a real-deal stroke and not "just" a TIA. The stroke damage just happened to affect the swallowing muscles.

    Anyway, mom's swallowing problem didn't get better, and she started putting food, saliva, etc down her trachea "breathing pipe". This progressed to pneumonia. Multiple "big-gun" antibiotics didn't fix the problem. She didn't want a feeding tube, and besides the saliva problem wouldn't have been solved with a feeding tube. We had a talk, and she decided she was done, so we went to comfort care [1]. When mom died, the death certificate said "Cause of Death: Lewy Body Dementia" [2].

    [1] comfort care started out a mess: the attending doctor was a shitbag foreign medical grad Indian (dot) who was both incompetent and vindictive. But that's a story for another day.
    [2] the actual cause of death was: bilateral aspiration pneumonia, secondary to stroke. Not LBD. But after I got rid of the shitbag Indian, the new attending didn't know the medical history, so he just put down LBD. I didn't raise a stink because it was by that point irrelevant.

    PS. Geez, I can feel my blood pressure going up thinking of that asshole doctor. He actually lost his job over the shit he pulled with my mom. (I know because about a month after the fact, some VP of the facility caught me in the hallway and thanked me for giving them the ammo [as in detailed facts from a medical perspective] of what an incompetent asshole that guy was.) Actually they didn't fire him (fear of lawsuit reasons). They took away his privileges, and that led to him losing his academic appointment at the local medical school, and he left on his own. But don't worry, last I checked, he's doing fine working for Kaiser Permanente in California. Sorry, California, it's not as if you didn't have enough problems already.

  6. The CDC spews out bullshit "estimates" of deaths; they never go back and reconcile the empirical numbers:

  7. Bellingham, WA a fishing boat with 100 crew has tested 86 positives, waiting for 9 more results, and 1 hospitalized (if the report is accurate).
    This crap is SO overblown.

  8. I've noted this elsewhere, but it bears repeating: Dr. Birx (the scarf wearing woman at the press conferences) ADMITTED that they were inflating the fatalities by 25%, which in my interpretation means more like 80%. I (finally) got to see my dentist a few weeks ago; she told me that while she was shut down she was able to pull some hours with the Medical Examiner's office. Virtually ALL the deaths she investigated were ultimately chalked up to Covid 19, including 5 teenage suicides the week before. Turns out that Medicare pays $13,000 for a Covid related death, and ups the take to $39,000 if the medical facility has put a ventilator into the poor schlub's mouth prior to death (hell, maybe even after...)


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