
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

What's next, protesting because a black died in a car accident?

NEW YORK (WABC/CNN) - The family of a 26-year-old Black woman who died during an emergency C-section at a New York City hospital is demanding answers, as they raise her daughter without a mother.


Demonstrators gathered alongside Washington’s family outside the hospital with signs that read “Black Birth Matters,” and celebrities like Amy Schumer have posted on social media about the case.

What’s wrong, the protesters say, is a system that is statistically bleak for mothers of color.


  1. fixed it for ya:

    Planned Parent hood, a system that is statistically bleak for babies of color.

  2. Seriously... someone needs to tell them this racism shit jumped the shark by about the 8th or 9th target getting looted. Y'all just look ridiculous now.

  3. Is it "statistically bleak" or are you trying to make it "Systemically bleak" to make it something it probably isn't? I'm going with the latter.

  4. I'm sure the kid's father was heartbroken too... right?

  5. This incident lies between: millions of abortions (They're OK), being killed by another tribe member (Silence) and the very rare case that a black is killed by a white cop (Not OK).

  6. This is what causes "Negro Fatigue".
    I don't "hate" any man, but this has been going on for the past 55 years...

    Maybe they should look to the Vietnamese boat people for inspiration.
    Vietnamese started arriving in the mid to late 1970s, and now there are entire (prosperous) areas of towns that Vietnamese built for themselves. I don't feel threatened at all walking there after dark.

  7. Another ObamaCare success story.

  8. My wife is a midwife and studies these things. Did you know that a black woman is twice as likely to die in childbirth as a white one, even after controlling for health, income etc?

    The working theory is not listening. Basically women aren't as credible even to other women (I. E. Nurses). If the woman in question is also black, the effect is intensified, and next thing you know no one believes that she's actually bleeding out until it's a crisis and maybe death.

    What was interesting to me is that this effect persists even if the caretakers are black - I. E. Black people don't believe black people either.

    1. Doesn't surprise me any at all

    2. From what I've seen, it's not a case of "not listening". It's more a case of a terrible signal-to-noise ratio. You can listen to every complaint, observation, and general stream of mouth-noises, but it's difficult to pick out the pertinent info from the massive amount of bullshit. Histrionic behavior does no one any good, especially not the attention-seeking complainer.

      Adjusting (controlling) for income and baseline health is well and good, but I suspect this is not exactly a racial discrimination thing so much as a personality/behavior-type thing. Now it's very likely the case that behaviors cluster based on race and ethnicity, but it's not fundamentally because of racial animosity.

      At least that's my guess.

  9. "Appeared to be the picture of health."

  10. They'll go further and start protesting when one of them develops a hang nail. Actually I hope they keep right on with their behavio0ur of the past couple months. Every time there's another story about about a statue coming down or some other bullshit protest, they disgust normal every day Americans including Black People. By now, everyone in the country knows that the Demonrats have been pandering to minorities for decades, just to get their vote and giving them nothing for it.


  11. These commies are just gonna keep pushing....
    When enough are helping grow plants and tree’s, we will all be better off

  12. If they care about black lives, they should protest outside Planned Parenthood.


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