
Monday, August 03, 2020

Spending money just to be spending money

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — California will now collect sexual orientation and gender identity data when tracking new coronavirus cases.

This move makes California the first state to track how the virus spreads in the LGBTQ community, which advocates say has been devastated by COVID-19.


  1. With the way the LGBPDQXYZOMG crowd shut down government tracking of AIDS and HIV patients and all the contact tracing entailed, along with all the other sexually transmitted diseases, I fully expect California to suddenly stop this government tracking in about 3... 2... 1.

  2. I hope it works like AIDS

  3. When the Califruitopia LGBTQWXYZ crowd find out they're being singled out for contact tracing based on their sexual orientation they're going to raise a stink that'll be smelled on the East Coast.


  4. So far, stories say COVID is particularly harmful to POCs, LGBTQ-whatevers, poor people, hits tall people more than short people, immigrants and racists who attend Trump rallies. Pretty soon "activists" will discover OMG! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!

  5. I hope there's enough smart people left on Commiefornia to just say screw it - identify as a freak and get the bennies.

    1. My favorite Sacramento talk radio guy (a 6'3" white dude who has 4 kids and has been happily married for 34 years) identifies as a black lesbian. He calls it job security.

  6. Do California bumblebrats have a space to check "gets up before sunrise, works the farm all day, just wants to be left alone, carrys from the time I get up to I get in the shower at night, likes to sit on the porch with the dogs"?

    Or how about a space for "buried two Significant Others and several family from cancers, just wants to be left alone"?

    This's my sexual orientation.

  7. The key word is DISPARITIES. As in "Disparities in Impact of COVID-19 on Marginalized Populations".

    If homosexuals and lesbians and whatever have excess rates of Corona-chan it will be evidence of how the heteronormative white patriarchy is victimizing the most vulnerable. It sure as hell won't be "Maybe you have some behaviors that are a bad idea. How about you stop them?"

    This is what happens when you let persons whose cultural identity is based on victimhood and tales of oppression take over your popular culture, entertainment, and news media. Not to mention about 30% of the courts.

    Suddenly it's "You're a victim! And you're a victim. And you're a victim!"

  8. I guess syphilis isn't good enough for them.


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