
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Second stimulus checks: Trump wants direct payments, urges GOP to go higher on aid

WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — As a political stalemate continues over another coronavirus aid package, President Donald Trump urged his fellow Republicans in a tweet to support a larger COVID relief bill that would include his priority of $1,200 stimulus checks for most Americans. 


  1. You can guarantee that they will be standing in line to see who can be the first to sponsor sending Israel the extra 8 billion in welfare they are asking for. But screw the American people. We can suffer. How about taking all foreign aid spending, including military spending spent to defend Poland, Japan, South Korea and every other nation, and holding a lottery to send natural born Americans one million dollars tax free. Just the yearly welfare to Israel would make 4000 Americans millionaires. But that would actually help Americans. So it will never happen. Not one dime of US tax money should go overseas for any reason.

    1. Why pick on Israel and not nato.

    2. I totally agree with the last line.

  2. Ya know Chris, as a hard working middle class American white male; I could not agree more. Fuck'em all in the ass with a red hot poker! Damn, you triggered me!

  3. What I want to know what happened to the $2000.00 stimulus in the ass check the nasty peloser promised us? But, I digress... it is so full of pork to enrich the demoncraps that the Senate would not pass it or President Trump would not sign it and peloser also had a temper tantrum because of it...

  4. Seems my parents haven't even got their FIRST check and they do qualify for one.

    Meanwhile, I was in the front of the line because my adjusted income was zero.


  5. Gee, my first "stimulus" check was for a whopping $5.07. Not bad - the government shuts down my job and gives me most of a Happy Meal as compensation.

    And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I'm told I'm free...


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