
Sunday, November 02, 2008

Brother Rick

Brother Rick called me up this morning and told me to meet him at his place to pick up a brindle bull hide that I bought off him earlier this week.
Rick collects Indian and Western memorabilia and his place is absolutely packed with his collection. One of the coolest things he showed me was a hat crest that came from Custer's Battlefield - he got it from a collector that bought it from the museum in Cody, Wyoming. And yes, I have seen the certificate of authenticity. Think about this: There were only 4 officers at the battle and this is an officer's hat crest.
While I was there, I took some pictures (next post down) of his living room.
Keep in mind that this is just his living room.

1 comment:

  1. Does Rick wanna shoot some trap?

    I bet he'd actually show up!

    Damn, did I just say that?

    Is this thing on?
    Mic check,
    Mike check,
    Is this thing on?



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