
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Deb, you think you have problems with prices?

I paid 6 bucks (!!!) for a six pack of ultra-plush (I do have a delicate heinie, ya know) Charmin toilet paper today.
I'm thinking I need to either quit eating or using my toilet. Or maybe foregoing my morning cup of asskicking eye-opening wonderful coffee until I get on the road so I can use the Company's TP.
Six bucks for a six pack of toilet paper? Give me a break......


  1. $6.00 for a 6-pack of Charmin? More proof a-holes rule the world.

    Gotta tell ya though, unless I'm real close to living in the car, I will pay for the Green Mountain Lake and Lodge coffee and the Charmin 'cause I refuse drink weasel pee or use sandpaper for toilet paper. I too have a delicate heinie and I would like to keep it that way!

  2. Dad being a Soldier, I have spent 11 years in Germany between his and my own Army years. Let me tell you what, German TP is like the paper towels in a public restroom except not as soft. It actually crinkles when you fold it.
    I now appreciate a soft asswipe.

    I'll have to try your brand of coffee sometime. Folgers gets old.


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