
Friday, December 26, 2008

Deb, I will NEVER forgive you for this

Well, here I am in my fancy lounging britches that I got for Christmas and Deb just had to see.
If there aren't any posts for a while, it's because one of my friends saw this and I was delivered a serious ass-whipping for being a sissy.
God, I can just imagine the comments on this post.....


  1. Wasn't there a commercial a few years back...."nice pants".....

    You look very comfy, and you can't beat that!

  2. Yes ma'am, I'll admit that they are very comfortable. They beat the hell out of my tight-ass wranglers.
    Thank you for not being mean. I have the feeling that you're going to be the only one......
    But I don't think you noticed the scowl on my face!!!!

  3. You coulda e-mailed the picture to her and spared yourself this.

    Nice Jammies.

  4. LOUNGING PANTS, dammit.
    Fuck, I knew it.

  5. which ones are your weekend jammies? these or your square bob bottoms? by the way this is going to be posted at work tomorrow.
    sick rick

  6. I don't know what the big deal is. They look comfortable. In fact I bought the very same pair...

    For my WIFE! ! !



  7. I noticed the scowl, I just chose to ignore it.....kind of like i did when Hubbs saw his pair!

  8. Dad caught mine, only he didn't ignore it! I got the impression that the jammers (excuse me- lounging pants) were Mom's idea.

  9. Hey! They are better than answering the door with no pants on.

    OK, maybe not....

    If anyone asks - tell them you wear them to make your wife happy. That way you are not a sissy, but a caring husband.

  10. I checked out this photo last night & couldn't comment because I couldn't stop laughing. If this makes you feel better, here in Maine males AND females wear those public (usually in WalMart). Only thing is, the plaid is so stretched out on their extra-large frames that it looks like latitude and longitude lines on their big round ample backsides.

    Now, a fashion hint: Lose the white socks. They do not go with manly jammies. Makes me think of Ed Grimley.

    Gotta say this was one of the funniest things you've ever posted. It's worth the shot reputation. Thank you!

  11. Deb,
    Don't worry, those are work or around the house socks. I usually wear argoyle or black socks with my bermudas out in public.
    Okay, no more posts when I'm drinking. I'm almost as embarrassed as I was when I got beat up by that retarded kid in 6th grade.

  12. David,
    This is just the kind of ammunition my ex would be looking for when she tries to hire hit men to kill me - "See, he's a pussy, he'll be easy to take out" - but hopefully it'll be quick and painless.

  13. At least you clash with everything - walls, sofe, carpet, dog...

    Ha! The Prove You Are a Human word is Wally! Don't know if that means the same in the States as it does here - a slightly thick, out of date, out of fashion man.

  14. Picnic table camouflage?
    What a clown wears to church?
    How to commit suicide by biker bar?
    Self defense in a gay bar?
    You have too many friends?

    I give up. What's the punchline?

  15. Hey, I'm just used to humilating myself in front of women.
    Besides, I was fucked up.


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