
Saturday, November 01, 2008

A "Post Turtle"

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Texas rancher, whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, The doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his bid to be our President.

The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'post turtle'. Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was. The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'. The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain. 'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there to begin with.'

I will behave, I will behave, I will behave

Today is the day of my parents' 50th Anniversary party.
I have starched and pressed my best pair of Wranglers and a nice shirt, polished my fancy boots, bathed, shaved and trimmed my handlebar mustache, brushed and waterproofed my "marrying and burying" 10X Stetson, left bail money with my best friend and braced myself to face all my damned relatives.
Two hours to go.
Wish me luck.

John Wesley Hardin's grave

Second cousin to my Great Grandfather. Concordia Cemetery, El Paso Texas.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thanks for the John Prine link, Tina

I got a comment from Tina today concerning a post where John Prine sings "Sam Stone" (on the 13th of October) and she sent a link for me. I thought I'd share it with y'all. It was just to good to bury in a comment.
If the link doesn't work, just copy-n-paste it to your browser.

Thanks again Tina, and visit here when you can.