
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thank you Lord, for the barnyard I just destroyed

Man, about 5 PM I realized that I hadn't eaten anything all day. Even worse, I haven't made my weekly grocery run so I went into the kitchen and found nothing but breakfast food. Hell, I'm an Okie - it don't bother me one bit to eat breakfast for supper.
One pound of bacon (Bacon. Mmmm bacon), a pound of sausage (Punkin got some of that) 6 scrambled eggs covered in tobasco, 2 BIG potatoes fried up, 4 pieces of wheat toast and a quart of milk later......
I shouldn't have to eat until tomorrow morning now.


  1. Damn, man! I hope there were onions on the 'taters and, Lord, throw in a couple of hotcakes lathered over with bacon grease and dusted with sugar... I think my LDL's just clogged my arteries!!!! Oh hell, and don't forget the sausage gravy and biscuits!!!!!!

  2. Hey, I made it to 50 which is 20 years longer than I figured and 40 years longer than my folks plotted.

    Besides, I get downright cranky when I don't get my 4-5 meals a day.

  3. Oh yeah, definatly gotta have onions and gravy for sure. I shouldn't even have to mention gravy - gotta do something with the grease.
    I skipped the hotcakes. They lay to heavy on my stomach for this time of the evening.

  4. Are you an the dog gonna spend the rest of the evening rating each others pork farts?


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