
Monday, April 20, 2009

He lives!!!!

Finally heard from Tattoo Jim, posting the email I got from him a bit ago.

Hey Ken,
Didn't mean to worry anyone. I'm away from the OBX for a while visiting family. I've just been checking email every once in a while but haven't hit the blogs for a few days ( quite a few I guess). The traveling was rough and I haven't seemed to be able to re-coup from it. Thanks for checking... I appreciate it. I'll be heading back in a couple of days so, hopefully, I'll be checking things out again.Take care and "hi" to everyone.
Tattoo Jim


  1. Woo Hoo! Glad to hear you are still alive and kicking, TJ! Enjoy the rest of your travels and we will patiently await for your return, just hurry the eff up, will ya?

  2. thanks for the update, ken,
    glad he'll be coming back soon, missed his warped ways!

  3. Good to hear you're OK, Tattoo Jim. After hearing about your pain on Bits & Pieces, I really was worried. Safe trip and I miss your smart ass, I mean, witty comments.

  4. Glad to hear TJ is okay. Funny how a few days out of touch of the "interweb" and everyone gets worried. Must be nice to have people care about someone that much... BTW\ wirecutter, I'll be at the NYC Tat Convention in less then a month, and be rest assured that lots of goodies are coming you way...

  5. Ommm, Deb almost said the fuck word!!!

  6. I do have my pristine reputation to maintain but I almost fucking blew it didn't I?

  7. Alive... sorta. Kicking... not really. Eff'd up... most definitely. Debbie said the "F" word, Debbie said the "F" word!! How cool is that?

    It's nice to know I was missed by all you good people. Thanks!!!


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