
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Prop 8 upheld

Surprisingly, California's Supreme Court issued a ruling today upholding Proposition 8, which bans gay marriage and was passed by the voters (the people of California) by 52%.
The ink isn't even dry on the paper yet and the gay radicals are already getting signatures to put it BACK on the ballet.
What pisses me off is that the voters (again, the people of California) voted it down and the gays won't take no for an answer. Let it go, people. LET IT GO.
Personally, I could really give a shit less if they marry or not. It's not gonna affect me one way or another. I live in a fairly conservative area of California and cannot recall the last time I saw any gays on the street of Modesto.
But I can guarantee you one thing: If it shows up on the ballot again, I will vote against it, if for no other reason than I don't like ANYTHING shoved down my throat. Let it go, Lance and Bruce........... The People have spoken and now the Supreme Court has spoken.


  1. Isn't it strange how things like that happen??? In Northern Va. the voters said "no" to several bond issues that would have cost the taxpayers/voters millions. No they said and no it was... until the supervisors said, sorry, but we're gonna do it anyway. ?????? Then why the fuck did you put it on the ballot if you're not gonna listen to the people who put your sorry asses in office.
    Politics... from the bottom to the top its just an excuse to fuck somebody. Sometimes I just get soooo tired of all this shit..... ya know????

  2. what someone does in there own home is there own buisness but to me marriage is sanctioned by the church which states adam and eve not adam and steve they want the same rights and insurance ect as man/women couples fine give it to them its called domestic partnership..which they already have..this shit reminds me so much of harvey milk

  3. sick fuckin bastards can all go to hell......and will!!!


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