
Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hey, check this shit out.
I get about 40 emails a day from readers that are thoughtful enough to send me submissions.
Some of them I post, others I don't. Some of them I post right away, others I save for awhile. Almost all of them are appreciated.
Not that I don't like your submissions, but I can't publish everything I receive. Not to say that I don't get a kick out of some of them and pass them on to friends, but if I publish everything I get, not only will I piss a LOT of people off, but I won't have time for beer or bacon.

Some tips:
No nudity, guys - Sorry, but I have a lot of female readers that don't want to look at tits or pussy. Let's face it, would you want to see a bigger dick than yours on this site? Or any dick? Think before you answer.

No racism - While I post some racist shit, it's all in fun. And I pick on everybody. If you doubt that, click on the Okies or White Trash categories. If I suspect your submission is seriously racist, I'm bouncing it.

No liberal politics - I'm so goddamned Right Wing that I won't even make a left turn. I don't want to hear your left wing shit. Fuck off.

No anti Semitism - I have actually seen concentration camp sites when I was stationed in Europe. Them motherfuckers have had a hard row to hoe since the beginning of time. I ain't fucking with them folks.

Along the same lines - No White Power bullshit. I believe in White Pride, but I also believe in Black Pride, Brown Pride and Green Pride if there were such a thing. The key word here is PRIDE, not power. But I can't say I support Red Pride - while I have a considerable amount of Indian in me, my ex was almost full blooded Commanche and that woman was fucking crazy - turned me off to that shit.

Not that I've give you the no-nos, you can almost guarentee an immediate posting if you send me something that concerns White Trash, Bacon, Guns, dogs or a nice ass.


  1. How 'bout Zombie Pride?? Ha ha! Damn I can't wait to see Zombieland.

  2. Okay, Zombie Pride is cool. I can hang with that. Even Zombie Power.

  3. very cool, that made me laugh. i will start sending you more shit.

  4. Rent the movie ZOMBIES ANONYMOUS. Some friends of mine from Brooklyn made it and it's a great flick. Lots of gore, but it has a funny sort of black humor aspect to it. You can get it at Blockbuster or Netflix. I laughed my ass off watching it...

  5. I do have my Red Pride but that's cause my people were Cherokee... we were a bit more peaceful than most tribes... sorta... we had our own written language and such... but I guess there's crazies everywhere... I blame my crazies on the European stock in the family... them Irish are something!!!!

  6. I say fuck racial pride. We're all muts so who really gives a damn? And how the fuck can anybody have pride in something they didn't do?

  7. I was just going to send this to you anyway so I'll drop it here...

    You gotta see this video. I get the feeling this guy is going to be famous in about a week, if not sooner. It's that good. And to anybody who might read this, please spread this thing around. Send it to your mom. And your other mom.

  8. REDNECK PRIDE MOTHERFUCKERS!!! Everyone to his own though. we all have the same fate.......see you in

  9. Touche, Sir Richard.
    And Right on, Will. I can remember when "Okie" was a dirty word, but now it's damned near my title.


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