
Monday, August 03, 2009

Will's Shrimp Boil

Maybe I should've titled this one "Straight Up White Trash, God Bless 'em".
Will sent these in with comments in another post about my weekend.
Damn, this is some serious Redneckin, the lucky bastard.

We had about half of the whole damn family over saturday for a shrimp boil....50lbs of shrimp, 40lbs of fish (that WAS NOT released back to the bigger fish) and all the fixins. My sunday was a drag...pickin up after all those bastards is a chore!
Oh yeah....did I mention we bought 10 30 packs of beer? Fuckin great party! 22 bottles of wine, 2 bottles of wiskey, and 6 gallons of margaritas.... I think somebody even brought a goddamn coke for some reason...oh yeah, to mix the whiskey for the I say again "great party".
That last one is of me and 2 of my boys. It's a little blurry thanks to the rain, but it didn't stop us from havin a good time.


  1. Yup, will is officially the man. 50 lbs. shrimp, 40 lbs. fish, 10 30 packs of beer, 22 bottles of wine, 6 gallons of margaritas, 2 bottles of whiskey? Trumps even my wildest weekend. I need to take party throwing lessons from this guy.

  2. Shit, I just wanna GO to one of his parties. Provided I can crash at his place, that is.

  3. shrimp boil recipe?

  4. Damn that looks good!!!! And yes, soda ain't for mixing with whiskey, it's for the kids to drink! LOL

  5. we are having a big blow out shrimp boil when i move to the texas hill country...cant find work in a town of 130k but found a job in a town of

    wirecutter, tattoo jim, will,badgirl ibeam..your all invited

  6. Good luck, Andy!!! Wish I could make it to your party, but I'm a looong ways from Texas!

  7. I've never seen anything like this, it looks fantastic. it and follow with a dozen or two beers.

  8. Andy - wish I could come to your party. I'd so love to nibble on your shrimp...*smiles*


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