
Monday, October 05, 2009


WASHINGTON – On the cusp of a key legislative push, President Barack Obama on Monday filled the Rose Garden with doctors supportive of his health care overhaul, saying "nobody has more credibility with the American people on this issue than you do."
Obama's White House event gave him another chance to frame the debate on his terms as his top domestic priority enters its most critical phase.
For a visual plug from some medical pros, the White House arranged for Obama to have some 150 doctors representing all 50 states arrayed in the sunsplashed lawn area just outside the West Wing. To make sure no one watching at home or catching news footage later would miss the point, the physicians wore their white medical coats for the cameras.

Damn, you mean for once that he's trying to draw attention to somebody besides himself?
150 doctors that supported his plan were probably all he could scrounge up.......

1 comment:

  1. Well at least they were wearing white coats not white sheets....For now....


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