
Saturday, June 19, 2010

I can only hope.....

I heard a tapping on my doorpost earlier tonight which was kinda sorta unusual seeing as I generally discourage company and everybody I know knows that.
I picked up my 45 and grabbed CharlieGodammit by the collar and answered the door to find my pyscho neighbor's cutie daughter there.
She was there to tell me about several home invasions in our neighborhood (she lives a block away) in the past couple of days, which really surprised me seeing as I live in a working class area and according to MPD stats, we've only had 1 burglary in the past year.
Misty told me that the home invasions all occured between 6 and 10 PM and they've entered through the back door.
I thanked her and immediately went and opened my back door.
Hey, it's not every day that you got a chance to legally shoot somebody......


  1. Maybe try a trail of dollar bills leading to the open back door...

  2. Yeah man, and to take out a fuckin burglar on top of that is just a twofor. Dont shoot your fridge, though, you may bust a beer.

  3. Leave the box for your new 'puter out by the curb. Maybe a flat screen box too. Should make a good lure.

  4. I'd let Charlie have the first guy through the door, a little training won't hurt.
    The second dude will run around to the front and into you. A twofer.

  5. I live in a small house next to a garage (the kind that fixes cars, dickhead, not the kid you park in) and there is a big lot in the back for the customers cars. We are situated, conveniently, right next to rent controlled apartments which are populated by "migrant" workers. I have had the pleasure, on more than one occasion of taking the AR-10 back there a few times as a reminder to these "visitors" that the property in those vehicles is not free for the taking since it is without lights. Spoke with the local authorities about it and was pleasantly told that even though it is adjacent property, it is still considered mine since the garage owns the house I live in and rent. Just waiting for one that decides to come towards me instead of climbing the wall that they came over. And they are very good at climbing that fucker in a hurry regardless of how fucking fat they are.
    God bless, Mr. Eugene Stoner for creating such a device as the AR-10.


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