
Thursday, July 08, 2010

"I hate every iota of a Cracker"

We've all seen the clip of the Black Panther screaming his bullshit.
Let him run into the right fucking Cracker and he'll have something to hate.
He'll hate an asswhipping from somebody that ain't afraid of his crap.
Will, you planning a trip up north soon?


  1. Can you post the vid? (Some of us live in a cave). It'd probably just piss me off anyway. I hate those mouthy cocksuckers!

  2. That would be one more motherfucker that will need to call the ambalamps.

  3. as you forget the resident nationalist here.....yes he should call the bambalance

  4. These radicals are the true racists. I believe racism exists in both directions but I see much more hatred and racism on the part of these type radicals, Rev Wright etc. than I do with "rednecks".
    "Kill crackers and their kids" sounds to me like this man would welcome a race war. Somebody should tell him to be careful what you wish for.
    Paul in Texas

  5. I'll admit it, I'm a cracker... but where the hell is my "iota"?

  6. Maybe we should all take a trip up there.

  7. It's between Illinois and Nebraska....


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