
Monday, July 26, 2010


What's the matter?
You motherfuckers can't comment on my posts?


  1. Naw...we're just all laughing so hard it's difficult to type!

  2. Aw, you're so nice. But seriously,
    what the fuck?

  3. I love comments! I do it more than most.
    There.....that's better now, WC.

    You need to watch a good video to get your
    frustrations out, I have one up, from Clint.

  4. Well I could tell you a sad story about how Ive been too busy since my shed burnt down and how Ive been arguing with local council because they want me to rebuild it 3 meters south of where it was, even though its been there since 1962 and putting it where they want would fuck up the whole layout of the farm. Thats not the reason but I feel better now.

  5. *forgot to sign*


  6. Your posts ensure I will be entertained every day. I usually don't comment because you leave me speechless or pondering.
    I do love the antics of CharlieGodDammit, and your local adventures including the local flavor of characters, oh and the "gotta be California" posts. I'll make it a point to get some comments rolling.
    My son (Lance Corporate, USMC) is headed to The Stan here shortly so that's a load of angst on my brain, so need to laugh occasionally and you're a hit with me.
    thanks for keeping me (us) entertained!

  7. Some of us just don't know what to say WC. That's why we read instead of write blogs.

    I love your original stuff. You have a great writing style, honest/vulgar/funny, that you just don't see anywhere else. I come here at least 6 times a day looking for new posts.

    No homo.

  8. yeah, what ORBITUP said, we're speechless but giving you silent kudos xx ;))) we are lazy and just want to sit back and let you entertain us

  9. Its because of your fuckin abusive fuckin language....
    Some of us are fuckin sensitive ya bastard....

  10. I seldom comment as I am either laughing my ass off or being totally disgusted with the US government these days. Keep up the great blog and know you are loved, you silly fuck! Oh yeah, go to hell and Fuck Obama!

  11. I'm still too traumatized about the Monkey Butt post. Jesus H. Christ. Like I want to know what you do with your sweaty ass?? I've had recurring nightmares about you farting with a swollen red sore ass and I feel sorry for you. And what Bushwack said. You still want me to comment? Ahh, you know we loves ya Wirecutter. Keep the shit coming.

  12. Gotta agree with Susan, especially on CharlieGoddammit (what a name!!). Add in the adventures with your 22-250, and I'm a happy reader!

    Keep 'em comin'!!


  13. Now that's the Will we all know and love.
    Thanks, everybody. I gotta tell you, it's the comments that keep folks like me going. It lets us know what you want to see more of, what you like, shit like that. Plus a little cock-stroking never hurt anybody's ego.

  14. You had better get any idea of me stroking your cock out of your fucking head, you Gay Californey Mother Fucker!!! (Serious Shuddering going on here on the Right Coast of the USA!)

  15. Yeah, don't keep calling it that. That's a good way to shut me up.

  16. I'm usually so far behind in reading posts, that to comment would be less relevant than usual. If that's possible.


All comments are moderated due to spam, drunks and trolls.
Keep 'em civil, coherent, short, and on topic.