
Monday, August 23, 2010

My early years....

I'm sorry, but that Short Bus post the other day brought back some bad memories of my school years.
Mama's cigarette ashes in my baloney and jam sammiches....
My cousin calling me a prevert 'cause I felt him up....
Sister hiding my helmet from me....
Dad pissing in my helmet when he found it first....
Me not qualifying for the Special Olympics....


  1. Heh, they still only let me use crayons.
    Takes a lot of paper to do my reports.
    My mom was a saint. The ol' man was a drunk asshole that never gave a fuck about anything 'cept pussy.

  2. I still use chalk. They were afraid I'd choke on my crayons.

  3. i think you should give those special olympic tryouts one more time......


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