
Monday, August 02, 2010

Oh, so that's what the deal is!



  1. I despise seeing thoses hanging out of people's ears, especially those that seem to want to impress. Until I see the 'buds', most of the time I assume they have mental issues because they are talking to themselves. Are they that important?!?!

  2. You got that right!!
    Whatever happened to real Men??
    Every time I see one of these self-important nerds I just want to stomp the snot out of em.
    Paul in Texas

  3. When you see the little light turn blue and their eyes roll back in their head, bust 'em in the mouth and run like hell....!!!

  4. Yeah, you'll never catch me wearing one of those motherfuckers.

  5. None of these dick knuckles is soo busy that they couldn't hold a goddamned phone to their ear.


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