
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Am I gonna live, Doc?

Okay, this is some weird shit.
A 12 pack of Busch (God Bless Augie Busch) has lasted me 2 days and maybe a third.
Seriously. I drank 4 beers last night, 4 tonight and have 4 leftover. This is down from a 10-12 beer a night (every night) habit.
I hope I recover in time for the weekend......


  1. You'll find yourself to be a lot more productive and clear headed. Friendlier, too.

    Same thing happened to me both times my Wife got pregnant.

  2. My weekend mantra----

    'You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning.'


  3. Well, Kenny, if you need a change of pace this morning, you might try this:

    Mmmmm, bacon.

  4. Daaaaaaannnnng, boy! Chug-a-lug.

  5. Gotta cold Bud goin' till the sun sets. Then if I don't hafta reload or drive anywhere its Knob Creek time. Can't sleep unless I'm lookin' through the same eyehole, er whatever.


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