
Friday, October 08, 2010

And now it begins.....

I got my mail-in ballot delivered today along with the sample ballot I mentioned a few posts ago.
No, I haven't filled it out yet. I know how I'm voting as far as candidates go but I want to study some of the initiatives that are on the ballot.
Please do the same. Study all aspects, weigh the consequences and then vote the cocksuckers and their bleeding heart programs out.


  1. I'm waiting for my ballot as I write this... the voter registration site was nice enough to have a link to what's on the local ballot.... another fucking school??? Does every little rug rat in the county have to have their very own $50 million dollar school??? Jesus Fucking Christ!!! Do you assholes even know what a dollar looks like anymore???? Fuck!!!!

  2. You know TJ, I'd rather see another school, than another jail. They don't have to be so fancy smancy, that's for sure. I'd rather see the young ones educated instead of thinking that gangs and killing is a way of life, coz that's how they've been brought up. Here I go, off topic again. Sorry TJ.

  3. Bella, PLEASE do not piss TJ off.

  4. I said I was sorry....fuck... Sorry Mr. TJ.

  5. so I just got mine and I have decided that when it comes to the choices for reps ie: all of them, the incumbents are out. Then on to the profile of the rest, then a net search of the ones I like..........just my .02

  6. The time to throw the incumbents out is during the primaries. I couldn't vote for a Democrat no matter what. I could vote for a Libertarian if I wasn't worried about splitting the Republican vote and helping the dems win. I am voting a straight Republican ticket.


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