
Saturday, March 27, 2010

I love life right now

I actually got a job to knock out a pack of coyotes this week.
An old friend called me up tonight tonight and she said that a pack of coyotes had killed her best bear hound and and a goat and she wanted them gone.
She lives on 30 acres, way out in the country, pastured and scrub oak bordered by a creek.
I'm headed out there tomorrow evening to get a lay of the land, sight in my hot-rod 22-250 and eat some pig with her and her daughter.
Next week, me and Pops are gonna wreak some havoc on that pack of coyotes.


I was in the backyard fucking with the dog this morning and noticed a hornet hanging around his food dish.
This is not good.
So I started checking under the eaves and gables of the house and garage and bigger than shit, there's a fucking nest up under the eaves on the rear of the garage, right next to the orange tree and no place to run for a quick getaway.
I'll tackle that motherfucker tonight as soon as it gets dark and cool.
I expect I'll be laid up for a couple of days.

That reminds me of the time I was out shooting jackrabbits when I was about 10 years old and spotted a huge hornets' nest hanging off the platform of a broken down windmill about 35 yards away.
Being a rather stupid youngster, I shot that sonofabitch.
As soon as that 22 mag hit the nest, it looked like a huge cloud boiled out of it, heading right for me, so I hauled ass, heading for a stock tank that I'd passed just on the other side of a rise. I got about 10 yards from the tank when somebody hit me right between the shoulder blades with a baseball bat.
That's what it felt like, anyways.
I dove into that tank and stayed underwater for the next 10 minutes, coming up for air as needed. After a while they lost interest and I climbed out, shook the water out of my rifle and took my injured ass on home where Mom applied salve to the bites on my back and face.
I learned a lesson that day: Next time, shoot from further back. A lot further back.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Well, I'm on vacation for the next week.
I don't have any firm plans besides a bottle of whiskey and trying to find a crazy lady with loose morals and no sense of shame.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Who DOESN'T like to have their nuts rubbed?

Apparently, dog show judges like to see a little life in the face of the usually bored Bulldog. So in order to get a "questioning look" on their bull dog's faces, handlers molest their dog's nut bags while holding their heads up.
Dude is straight-up tickling that Bulldog's balls WITH feeling! He's doing it like he really means it. I expected the handler to whisper a love sonnet in the Bulldog's ear or lick his fingers before handling.
Makes you wanna be a bulldog, now doesnt it! ;))
My suggestion would be to keep this video away from Charlie, or he might expect the same treatment. nightly. and with a smile. LOOOOL

Hey, people are pissed.....

Unrest over sweeping federal health care legislation has turned to vandalism and threats, with bricks hurled through Democrats' windows, a propane line cut at the home of a congressman's brother and menacing phone messages left for lawmakers who supported the bill.

The FBI is investigating the instances, which include shattered windows at four Democratic offices in New York, Arizona and Kansas. At least 10 members of Congress have reported some sort of threat as of Wednesday, and no arrests have been made.

The brick flung through the window of a county Democratic Party office in Rochester, N.Y., over the weekend had a note attached: "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice," roughly quoting 1964 Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater.

A New York congresswoman whose office window also was smashed with a brick accused the Republican leadership of failing to denounce attacks against lawmakers who supported the legislation. The vandalism was at Democratic Rep. Louise Slaughter's district office in Niagara Falls early Friday, two days before the House passed the health care overhaul bill.

"It's more disturbing to me that Republican leadership has not condemned these attacks and instead appears to be fanning the flames with coded rhetoric," said Slaughter, a key supporter of the bill.

You Know I'm No Good (Live)

Amy Winehouse had the potential to be one of the best R&B singers of our time. I'm sorry she wasted her life and career on drugs.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Still true today

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
- Thomas Jefferson

Thanks, Woody

Monday, March 22, 2010


I expect I'll be getting raided here shortly.
I filled out and mailed my census today. Not only do I live here but so do 7 hispanics, all with the same birthday and the last name of Murphy.
Fuck the government.

So you'll know how to vote in November

The 219-212 roll call Sunday by which the House passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

A "yes" vote is a vote to pass the bill.

Voting yes were 219 Democrats and 0 Republicans.

Voting no were 34 Democrats and 178 Republicans.

There are 4 vacancies in the 435-member House.


Democrats -- Bright, N; Davis, N.

Republicans -- Aderholt, N; Bachus, N; Bonner, N; Griffith, N; Rogers, N.


Republicans -- Young, N.


Democrats -- Giffords, Y; Grijalva, Y; Kirkpatrick, Y; Mitchell, Y; Pastor, Y.

Republicans -- Flake, N; Franks, N; Shadegg, N.


Democrats -- Berry, N; Ross, N; Snyder, Y.

Republicans -- Boozman, N.


Democrats -- Baca, Y; Becerra, Y; Berman, Y; Capps, Y; Cardoza, Y; Chu, Y; Costa, Y; Davis, Y; Eshoo, Y; Farr, Y; Filner, Y; Garamendi, Y; Harman, Y; Honda, Y; Lee, Y; Lofgren, Zoe, Y; Matsui, Y; McNerney, Y; Miller, George, Y; Napolitano, Y; Pelosi, Y; Richardson, Y; Roybal-Allard, Y; Sanchez, Linda T., Y; Sanchez, Loretta, Y; Schiff, Y; Sherman, Y; Speier, Y; Stark, Y; Thompson, Y; Waters, Y; Watson, Y; Waxman, Y; Woolsey, Y.

Republicans -- Bilbray, N; Bono Mack, N; Calvert, N; Campbell, N; Dreier, N; Gallegly, N; Herger, N; Hunter, N; Issa, N; Lewis, N; Lungren, Daniel E., N; McCarthy, N; McClintock, N; McKeon, N; Miller, Gary, N; Nunes, N; Radanovich, N; Rohrabacher, N; Royce, N.


Democrats -- DeGette, Y; Markey, Y; Perlmutter, Y; Polis, Y; Salazar, Y.

Republicans -- Coffman, N; Lamborn, N.


Democrats -- Courtney, Y; DeLauro, Y; Himes, Y; Larson, Y; Murphy, Y.


Republicans -- Castle, N.


Democrats -- Boyd, Y; Brown, Corrine, Y; Castor, Y; Grayson, Y; Hastings, Y; Klein, Y; Kosmas, Y; Meek, Y; Wasserman Schultz, Y.

Republicans -- Bilirakis, N; Brown-Waite, Ginny, N; Buchanan, N; Crenshaw, N; Diaz-Balart, L., N; Diaz-Balart, M., N; Mack, N; Mica, N; Miller, N; Posey, N; Putnam, N; Rooney, N; Ros-Lehtinen, N; Stearns, N; Young, N.


Democrats -- Barrow, N; Bishop, Y; Johnson, Y; Lewis, Y; Marshall, N; Scott, Y.

Republicans -- Broun, N; Deal, N; Gingrey, N; Kingston, N; Linder, N; Price, N; Westmoreland, N.


Democrats -- Hirono, Y.


Democrats -- Minnick, N.

Republicans -- Simpson, N.


Democrats -- Bean, Y; Costello, Y; Davis, Y; Foster, Y; Gutierrez, Y; Halvorson, Y; Hare, Y; Jackson, Y; Lipinski, N; Quigley, Y; Rush, Y; Schakowsky, Y.

Republicans -- Biggert, N; Johnson, N; Kirk, N; Manzullo, N; Roskam, N; Schock, N; Shimkus, N.


Democrats -- Carson, Y; Donnelly, Y; Ellsworth, Y; Hill, Y; Visclosky, Y.

Republicans -- Burton, N; Buyer, N; Pence, N; Souder, N.


Democrats -- Boswell, Y; Braley, Y; Loebsack, Y.

Republicans -- King, N; Latham, N.


Democrats -- Moore, Y.

Republicans -- Jenkins, N; Moran, N; Tiahrt, N.


Democrats -- Chandler, N; Yarmuth, Y.

Republicans -- Davis, N; Guthrie, N; Rogers, N; Whitfield, N.


Democrats -- Melancon, N.

Republicans -- Alexander, N; Boustany, N; Cao, N; Cassidy, N; Fleming, N; Scalise, N.


Democrats -- Michaud, Y; Pingree, Y.


Democrats -- Cummings, Y; Edwards, Y; Hoyer, Y; Kratovil, N; Ruppersberger, Y; Sarbanes, Y; Van Hollen, Y.

Republicans -- Bartlett, N.


Democrats -- Capuano, Y; Delahunt, Y; Frank, Y; Lynch, N; Markey, Y; McGovern, Y; Neal, Y; Olver, Y; Tierney, Y; Tsongas, Y.


Democrats -- Conyers, Y; Dingell, Y; Kildee, Y; Kilpatrick, Y; Levin, Y; Peters, Y; Schauer, Y; Stupak, Y.

Republicans -- Camp, N; Ehlers, N; Hoekstra, N; McCotter, N; Miller, N; Rogers, N; Upton, N.


Democrats -- Ellison, Y; McCollum, Y; Oberstar, Y; Peterson, N; Walz, Y.

Republicans -- Bachmann, N; Kline, N; Paulsen, N.


Democrats -- Childers, N; Taylor, N; Thompson, Y.

Republicans -- Harper, N.


Democrats -- Carnahan, Y; Clay, Y; Cleaver, Y; Skelton, N.

Republicans -- Akin, N; Blunt, N; Emerson, N; Graves, N; Luetkemeyer, N.


Republicans -- Rehberg, N.


Republicans -- Fortenberry, N; Smith, N; Terry, N.


Democrats -- Berkley, Y; Titus, Y.

Republicans -- Heller, N.


Democrats -- Hodes, Y; Shea-Porter, Y.


Democrats -- Adler, N; Andrews, Y; Holt, Y; Pallone, Y; Pascrell, Y; Payne, Y; Rothman, Y; Sires, Y.

Republicans -- Frelinghuysen, N; Garrett, N; Lance, N; LoBiondo, N; Smith, N.


Democrats -- Heinrich, Y; Lujan, Y; Teague, N.


Democrats -- Ackerman, Y; Arcuri, N; Bishop, Y; Clarke, Y; Crowley, Y; Engel, Y; Hall, Y; Higgins, Y; Hinchey, Y; Israel, Y; Lowey, Y; Maffei, Y; Maloney, Y; McCarthy, Y; McMahon, N; Meeks, Y; Murphy, Y; Nadler, Y; Owens, Y; Rangel, Y; Serrano, Y; Slaughter, Y; Tonko, Y; Towns, Y; Velazquez, Y; Weiner, Y.

Republicans -- King, N; Lee, N.


Democrats -- Butterfield, Y; Etheridge, Y; Kissell, N; McIntyre, N; Miller, Y; Price, Y; Shuler, N; Watt, Y.

Republicans -- Coble, N; Foxx, N; Jones, N; McHenry, N; Myrick, N.


Democrats -- Pomeroy, Y.


Democrats -- Boccieri, Y; Driehaus, Y; Fudge, Y; Kaptur, Y; Kilroy, Y; Kucinich, Y; Ryan, Y; Space, N; Sutton, Y; Wilson, Y.

Republicans -- Austria, N; Boehner, N; Jordan, N; LaTourette, N; Latta, N; Schmidt, N; Tiberi, N; Turner, N.


Democrats -- Boren, N.

Republicans -- Cole, N; Fallin, N; Lucas, N; Sullivan, N.


Democrats -- Blumenauer, Y; DeFazio, Y; Schrader, Y; Wu, Y.

Republicans -- Walden, N.


Democrats -- Altmire, N; Brady, Y; Carney, Y; Dahlkemper, Y; Doyle, Y; Fattah, Y; Holden, N; Kanjorski, Y; Murphy, Patrick, Y; Schwartz, Y; Sestak, Y.

Republicans -- Dent, N; Gerlach, N; Murphy, Tim, N; Pitts, N; Platts, N; Shuster, N; Thompson, N.


Democrats -- Kennedy, Y; Langevin, Y.


Democrats -- Clyburn, Y; Spratt, Y.

Republicans -- Barrett, N; Brown, N; Inglis, N; Wilson, N.


Democrats -- Herseth Sandlin, N.


Democrats -- Cohen, Y; Cooper, Y; Davis, N; Gordon, Y; Tanner, N.

Republicans -- Blackburn, N; Duncan, N; Roe, N; Wamp, N.


Democrats -- Cuellar, Y; Doggett, Y; Edwards, N; Gonzalez, Y; Green, Al, Y; Green, Gene, Y; Hinojosa, Y; Jackson Lee, Y; Johnson, E. B., Y; Ortiz, Y; Reyes, Y; Rodriguez, Y.

Republicans -- Barton, N; Brady, N; Burgess, N; Carter, N; Conaway, N; Culberson, N; Gohmert, N; Granger, N; Hall, N; Hensarling, N; Johnson, Sam, N; Marchant, N; McCaul, N; Neugebauer, N; Olson, N; Paul, N; Poe, N; Sessions, N; Smith, N; Thornberry, N.


Democrats -- Matheson, N.

Republicans -- Bishop, N; Chaffetz, N.


Democrats -- Welch, Y.


Democrats -- Boucher, N; Connolly, Y; Moran, Y; Nye, N; Perriello, Y; Scott, Y.

Republicans -- Cantor, N; Forbes, N; Goodlatte, N; Wittman, N; Wolf, N.


Democrats -- Baird, Y; Dicks, Y; Inslee, Y; Larsen, Y; McDermott, Y; Smith, Y.

Republicans -- Hastings, N; McMorris Rodgers, N; Reichert, N.


Democrats -- Mollohan, Y; Rahall, Y.

Republicans -- Capito, N.


Democrats -- Baldwin, Y; Kagen, Y; Kind, Y; Moore, Y; Obey, Y.

Republicans -- Petri, N; Ryan, N; Sensenbrenner, N.


Republicans -- Lummis, N.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


With his health care holy war, President Obama is sending America at least 10 messages since taking office:

1. I win; you lose.
2. My will; not the will of the people.
3. Government of Obama, by Obama, for Obama; not government of the people, by the people, for the people.
4. Corrupt House rules and autocracy; not play by the rules and democracy.
5. “I’ll tread on you” now steps on “Don’t tread on me.”
6. “I, the president”; not “We, the People.”
7. “All men are created equal” but I am more equal than others.
8. “The dissent of the president” overrules “the consent of the governed.”
9. “Give me tyranny and give me debt” replaces “Give me liberty or give me death.”
10. “That government is best which governs most” supersedes “That government is best which governs least.”

Nice try, man.

Pops shows up at my house yesterday and throws a bag at me, telling me he made a big score. I know it ain't weed and it's really got my curiosity up, so I open it up. There's a box of 22-250 Boattails, a fly box, and a set of desert camouflage - shirts and pants.
"I know you're hunting high desert in a couple of weeks, so I thought these might come in handy" he says.
I thank him, he steals a six pack and leaves.
Today I got around to trying on my new hunting britches and shirt. What the fuck? I can't even get the pants up around my ass and forget about buttoning the shirt.
So I check the size. The pants are a 30 inch waist and the shirt is a medium long.
Nice try Pops, but I haven't been able to fit into those clothes since I was like maybe 12. I mean, I wear a 34 inch waist and an Xlarge shirt and a 2X if I want to carry my 45.
Now I'm wondering if he still thinks I'm his little boy, if he finally caught that Alzheimer's that I hear is going around, or if he was just fucking with me.

What N-word?

N-word hurled at Black lawmakers?

March 20th, 2010
Posted by Robert

Really? I wasn’t there so I’ve been digging around looking for some audio proof. I truly don’t doubt that there were some idiots among the crowd that will use the event to prove their idiocy. However; I also know the liberpuke media is prone to make up “Events” as they see fit to promote their cause. MSNBC, NBC, ABC and the like have never failed to make up a story if it helps the socialist cause.

Now if this was the incident in question, the proof is clearly audible. NO N-Word heard. That being said, I have met first hand the kind of morons that show up for events like this. When we traveled to DC for the first GOE, there was one idiot in particular that stood out from the crowd. He had a bull horn shouting about “Wetbacks” and “Ragheads” he had about 4 folks around him egging him on. MOST of us either told him to shut the Fk up, or ignored him, however; the media and liberpukes made him the centerpiece of the day.

Folks at rally’s like this can take a couple of actions to limit the idiots exposure to the media. The first one is simple: Move their ass out of your side of the argument. This is very difficult to do in the heat of the day, emotions are high and when you start moving folks out of your area, it tends to lend fuel to the other side. The best thing to do is distance yourself from the idiot. Make them ALONE, make a clear distinction between our side and the idiots. Use the PD to do it if you have to, but do not let the morons corrupt your rally by giving the media a focal point that is not your message.

Anyway, the N-Word was NOT used, I’m trying to find the audio of someone calling Barney Frank a “Faggot” I haven’t found it yet..

The Tea party is made up of hard working Americans for the most part, and just like the liberpukes of ANSWER, and La-RAZA, we got our share of morons that creep in. The difference is the MSM doesn’t focus on the liberpuke idiots, they are “Fair and Balanced” and only pick the folks that can state the cause eloquently, but when the tea party gets some air time, the media seem to single out the folks missing the most teeth, and wearing the flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off… Not that that’s a bad thing but image is everything.

N.Y. Dad Murdered While Rescuing Teen From Attack

A hardworking father of two, who was about to get engaged to his girlfriend, was stabbed to death trying to rescue a young family friend from a pack of bloodthirsty teenage thugs on a New York street, cops said.
He tried to save a life, and paid with his own.

A hardworking father of two, who was about to get engaged to his girlfriend, was stabbed to death trying to rescue a young family friend from a pack of bloodthirsty teenage thugs on a Bronx street, cops said.
"For saving his life, we're going to take yours now," one of the attackers allegedly told Orlando Salgado, 26, before coldly plunging a knife into the good Samaritan's chest, said his heartbroken girlfriend, Reinalice Roman.
The unidentified 16-year-old boy was standing on East 197th Street near Webster Avenue at 10:30 p.m. Friday when he was confronted by a group of thugs that he fought with earlier in the day, cops said.
Salgado -- a neighbor and friend of the boy's mother -- was on his way to get something to eat when he came upon the confrontation.
He stepped into the melee to protect the boy and was stabbed twice in the chest as one of the attackers allegedly made the grim promise to kill him for intervening, cops and Roman said.
The construction worker was taken to St. Barnabas Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
- NY Post and

Cut the crap and play nice, kiddies.

I read about reports from the Capitol today saying that as a couple of politicians were taunted by folks opposing the health bill. Racial slurs were shouted, threats were made. I also read reports that it didn't happen with video evidence supposedly back that up.
That kind of shit has no place there. And when I say that kind of shit, I'm talking about both sides of the story.
If it did happen, it shouldn't have. Race isn't an issue here. The Government taking over our lives is the issue and that kind of shit can only damage our cause.
If it didn't happen, the idiots that were playing the race card should realize that by making false claims damned sure isn't helping your cause.
Let's leave the childish bullshit in your living rooms.

True to the pig

Man, I've got some ribs in the smoker, an onion, corn, and a tomato to throw on a little later and some slaw in the icebox.
And if you think my mouth's watering, you should see CharlieGoddammit. He's been guarding that smoker all damned day.

Aw, how touching....

In 1972, Joe Miller was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from Tulsa Junior College.
On a hike through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed, so Joe approached it very carefully. He got down on one knee, inspected the elephants foot, and found a large piece of wood deeply embedded in it. As carefully and as gently as he could, Joe worked the wood out with his knife, after which the elephant gingerly put down its foot.
The elephant turned to Joe, and with a rather curious look on its face, stared at him for several tense moments. Joe stood frozen, thinking of nothing else but being trampled.
Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned, and walked away. Joe never forgot that elephant or the events of that day.

Thirty years later, Joe was walking through the Tulsa Zoo with his family. As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the creatures turned and walked over to near where Joe and his family were standing. The large bull elephant stared at Joe, lifted its front foot off the ground, then put it down. The elephant did that several times then trumpeted loudly, all the while staring at the man.
Remembering the encounter in 1972, Joe could not help wondering if this was the same elephant... Joe summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing, and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up to the elephant and stared back in wonder. The elephant trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of Joe's legs and slammed him against the railing, killing him instantly.

Probably wasn't the same elephant.

Thoughts on the Health Care Bill

I've been watching the Health Care deal on Fox News since I got up this morning and from what I can see, it's not looking good.
The Obamessiah got a few more votes by signing or promising to sign an Executive Order against using federal money to fund abortions.

Yesterday I was watching Fox News and saw one of the little headlines that run across the bottom of the screen: "Pelosi urges Dems to sacrifice their careers and vote for the Health Bill."
Yeah, easy for her to say. She's already advanced as far as she's ever gonna go.

I wonder if there's a hidden clause in the bill to provide for free facelifts for life for Pelosi. I swear, if she gets another facelift she could wear her ass as a hat.

Okay. If this passes, I can doubledamn guarantee you that the Republicans will have control of the House and Senate for many years to come. And The Chosen One will be back working for ACORN because that's the only fucking job he'll be able to find.

But no matter what happens, this has been a good thing in that it has woken up the American People, pissed them off, and showed that they're not happy with the way Big Brother is trying to take control of their lives.
But what I'm wondering is once this is over, are they going to go back to sleep?