
Monday, January 17, 2011

Yeah, I know. I'm a racist.

Saw this video on a Chinese military shovel at Sipsey Street Irregulars (sidebar) and wasn't too impressed. My first thought was about the Chinamen that were demonstrating it - "Industrious li'l fuckers, ain't they?" and my second thought was "Give it a year and Wal-Mart will be selling them." Of course they'll probably be tainted with lead......


  1. I had to laugh at the 'oar' part.

  2. They had me at the Veg-o-matic part. Seriously, chopping potatoes? They don't issue knives or bayonets in the chinese army?

  3. They had me at the Veg-o-matic part. Seriously, chopping potatoes? They don't issue knives or bayonets in the chinese army?

    Nope, just shovels and potatoes. 'Course, they didn't mention that you can also use it to dig up said potatoes (harvesting function). Ancient Chinese Secret, my ass.


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