
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bacon. Mmmmm, bacon......

Bacon even goes good with pussy.
You just knew I was gonna say that, didn't you?


  1. looks like a treat for CGD

  2. Dood, if you have a cat, put a piece of duct tape on one side of it. Watch it walk sideways after that. Now put it on the other side. Watch that. Try not to blow snot out of your nose. You should probably already have a beer opened, and in your favorite chair. A camera wouldn't hurt, either.

    It's fucking hysterical. It probably traumatizes the cat, but who gives a shit? It's a fucking cat.

  3. Hog! That cruel and unusual punishment! That poor, poor kitty... duct tape you say?????????

  4. I'm gonna get a cat just so I can try the duct tape thing.

    This happened today in southern Maine, cat stuck in storm grate. You've got to see the photo!

  5. Hog, If you put the clear paper off a cigarette pack on all four cat feet with rubberbands it is pretty funny too. Ken's cat had her own dog for several years. how much more traumatized can she get?

  6. And now she's got another dog lickin' her ass.
    Wait, that's not my cat. She was Punkins' cat now she's ..... Godammit Niki, I hate when you do this shit to me.

  7. Oh yeah and cat isn't bad with taco sauce.

    ? What confuse you with facts when your mind is made up? You feed her that makes her half yours. CGD licks her ass that makes her half his. He can't feed her and well...


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