
Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's pitiful when your dog skunks you

So I'm posting, researching, answering emails and trying to eat all at the same time when I hear a godawful dogfight a ways off. One of the voices sound familiar so I get up and check and guess what, just fucking guess who snuck off.
I figured it was him and I knew he was fighting at least a couple of coyotes by the sound of things so I grabbed a maglight and a 22 and headed for the park along the creek in the middle of town.
By the time I got there shit had settled down so I hollered. Nothing. Nothing from the coyotes, nothing from my best bud. Fuck, my Charliedog was killed. I rustled around and found an open reed call and blasted a challenge call. Nothing. Again. Nothing. I'm pissed, panicky and crying. I just lost my best dog, the one that sleeps next to my bed, the very same one that loves on me every single evening and every single morning at sunrise????
Just about the time I was fixin' to pull on my gum boots and wade the brush for some fur to bury, guess who shows up covered in blood and all proud of himself.......
He leads me back to the coyote he killed and wants to go after the one that got away, but I pulled him off and took him home.
Fucker, he's killed more coyotes than I have this year.
But I'll say one thing for him, he took the 3 stitches in his neck without a twitch or whimper and even licked my hand when I was done.
Man, I love that tough sumbitch.....


  1. Tough sumbitch there!
    I know what you mean about knowing their sounds. I was telling my wife how it's like being able to pick your kids voice out of a bunch of kids all babbling away.
    I'd know either of our two dogs by sound, all the way from a "get the fuck out of here" growl to a "happy to see you again" bark.

  2. Ain't that the truth? I can tell his hungry yip from his tresspasser bark from his gotta go outside yelp from his let's play holler to his fuck you I'm bored grumble, and the thing is, nobody else can. But, that's my boy.
    He can also tell my voice variations - stranger or friend, I don't have to tell him. He can tell.

  3. Can you imagine what CGD would be like if he had thumbs???????????????? Damn!!!!!!!

  4. Yeah, and they know *us*, too.
    The wife and I were watching some SciFi flick a while back, and something came on that made her jump and scream, and both dogs came boiling out of their hiding places ready for action.
    Good to know they care about us as much as we care about them!

  5. Jesus, he's a tough MF. How's he doing today? Don't you gotta take him in for rabies shots or something?

  6. Gonna be a said day when Charliegoddammit does go to the kennel in the sky... But for now I sure as hell enjoy the stories about him.

    I'm bettin between your wolf mix and my Rott they'd get more yotes than most... Mine's got two of them in 2 years...bastard drug one of the carcasses into my screened in porch last August... It was 110 degrees and we were out all day came home and the stench was gawd awful.

    That dog of your is a damn good dog, hope he don't kill you in your sleep or nuthin..

  7. I am hopin' my new Akita will have the same luck. With all the nasty fuckers around here, it will need it. That said, the farmer next door said it was a lot worse 10 years ago. He had to wear a pistol into his milk barn, 'cause they would be in their killing newborn calves.

    My breeder bud sez that a female Akita will be more aggressive and territorial. Now if I could just get my old lady to act that way...

  8. Yeah, and your coyotes up in the Northeast are about twice the size of ours out here because of the interbreeding with wolves.
    Good luck with that bad-ass Akita.


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