
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oh shit oh dear

Man, I went out today to get gas and about locked up with a stroke.
The price of gas has gone up 30 cents a gallon since I filled up last Monday.
Holy crap......


  1. It's over $4/gallon down here in Long Beach.

  2. Breakin' the bank to fill up my wife's old Civic? Something's gotta change.

  3. Heyyy! What happened to the picture of you playing pocket pool?

  4. Where are all the lefties saying Obama's in bed with the Evil Oil Companies?

  5. Bryn, North Wales, UKFebruary 27, 2011 at 6:48 PM

    You never know, your beloved Imam Obama may yet lead you to a Euro-style socialist paradise where we are currently approaching $10.00 per Imp.gallon. My old Citroen XM now costs me £110.00 sterling (US$175.00) to diesel up from empty.
    Not that I'm trying to upset you, you understand....

    /crawls into bunker & awaits incoming expressions of happiness & joy.....

  6. Fuck Obama. It's running $3.65 a gallon for the cheap shit - at least it was this morning.

  7. One of the joys of being retired... I don't know what gas costs cause I don't have anywhere to go. Wally World and the grocery store are next to each other and they're about 2 miles from me so a tank will last a month or so... maybe longer. Downside is, my salary sucks!!!!!

  8. One hundred and seventy five bucks? I am gonna puke. Shit.

    Hovering around 3.19 in Boise but we don't have to pay California sized gas tax. Yet.

  9. One of the problems that makes gas more expensive here in Kaliforniastan is that we have to use a special type of fuel to meet the state air regulations. That means it get brewed locally, so we can't import gas from other states.

  10. I asked for it for my private collection.

  11. Oklahoma was 3.29 yesterday for the cheap shit without ethanol. Most gas stations don't have pure gas and ethanol fucks up your engine.


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