
Friday, February 25, 2011

People own guns because they're racist......

I was going to post a picture of a syphiletic toothless asian prostitute that was missing her nose but I figured hell, this has better shock effect.


  1. Fuck that fat retarded motherfucker.

  2. Michael Moore is a big, FAT, fucking ASSHOLE! Wears his plaid flannel shirt and grungy baseball cap so he looks like a working man, and yet the big turd lives in a huge condo in New York city, and has lnmos take him everywhere.
    The only piece-of-shit human I hate more is Teh Obummer!

  3. And if he had a brain he would be dangerous. Oh wait he is...he influences democrates.

  4. And of course we are...AGAINST MUSLIMS!!!

  5. A well ARMED populus is a POLITE populus!

  6. It really is a shame that people see this guy and assume he has such great intelligence and insight into the ways of the world and society but the truth really is.... he just doesn't have a clue!!! He lives behind rose colored glasses and see's only the "great liberal view" and the whole time he dis's this country and our way of life, he's hiding behind the freedoms that were so dearly won... typical liberal, they want their cake and eat it too!!! I'm surprised Obama didn't make him a member of his cabinet!
    Hey Moore! If you don't want to own a gun, that's fine... just leave my fucking guns alone!!! Just don't complain when "someone" pops a cap on your fat ass!!!!

  7. It's not just that they want their cake, they want yours and mine, too!

  8. One of the first thing he says is that you see most gun ownership in safe parts of town and safe areas. Any sane person would at least consider that those areas are safe because anyone might have a gun. But he thinks it's because we are a bunch of scared, dumb, racist rednecks.

    There is so much more I could say about this interview but I don't have the time and you don't have the room.

  9. hahaha, WTF? He just doesn't get it... The ones that carry the most guns are in the safest neighborhoods. DO YOU THINK, MICHAEL? There's a reason they're the safest.

  10. Is that fat lop of shit too stupid to realize that so few home invasions are because the populace has guns? He mentions that gun crime in one area is really low so why do we need guns... fat fuck, the guns are why the crime is low. No one really wants to try and fuck with an armed person.


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