
Friday, April 22, 2011


Well, it was about a year ago (Good Friday Week last year, can't remember the exact date) that in a drunken stupor I checked Craigslist at the advice of a friend and saw a dog that his daughter needed to get rid of or he was headed to the Stanislaus County Extermination Camp AKA the dog pound.
And me and CharlieGodammit got together the next day.
I know you motherfuckers are tired of hearing of what a great dog he is, so I'll just say we've been celebrating tonight with Busch beer, pizza, doggie treats and lots of processed cheese food.
Damn, that motherfucker can drink.


  1. Sorry I fell out on you and CGD last night just when shit was gettin cranked up, doin shots right out of the bottle will definitely catch up to you...had to go hurl up pork ribs and baked potatoes that I had meticulously(msp) marinated and barbequed and was so proud of....See what KNUCKLEDRAGGIN does to people? You are a BAAADDD influence on folks, Kenny Lane...

  2. Happy Anniversary CharlieGodammit and Kenny! So glad that you found each other. A friend of mine came over yesterday that rescued a 14 yr. old pupper from the pound that had been deserted by her family in her own backyard when they moved out. They pulled up stakes and just left her there to die. Her teeth were stained green because all she had to live on was grass in the yard. She's going to be able to live out her life with a kind and loving family now. Bless y'all!

  3. HEY dhanna59, HOW'S YOUR HEAD FEELING??? hahahahaha

  4. @BELLA, ok for now, there was still a pull left in the jug! Not too sure in an hour from now... Thanks for asking tho. Enjoy your new puppy girl!

  5. For us dog folks CGD's exploits are legendary. Take care of that fucker we need a laugh now and then.

  6. Congrats to you both, especially to CGD for putting up with the likes of his human!


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