
Thursday, April 14, 2011

My ex-wife

Okay, as you regular readers may remember a few months ago I introduced my ex to y'all, said she may be commenting and asked you be nice.
This was at a time when she expressed a desire to become friends (only) once again and put the pain of our divorce behind us. I was agreeable - the problems we had were done, I held no bitterness and honestly, I was fucking tired of fighting over shit that was done and over with years ago.
Well, guess what.
In the past few weeks she reminded me of why I divorced her ass. She can be a bit of a bitch. If you've noticed, there are no remarks from her in my postings - not because she hasn't tried, but because I delete the motherfuckers.
She's started her usual bullshit again and I don't have to deal with it. We're divorced and I am my own man, not hers, whether she likes it or not.
So here's the deal. I will post her remarks, not in the comment section but as a regular post and give you my snappy reply. I can do this without violating the law because after all, my blog and comments are a public forum, right?
Hate to drag you into my personal life but it will be entertaining at the very least.


  1. Oh goody "My Big Fat Redneck divorce" drama.... Well it should be interesting but I aint commenting on ANY OF IT... Domestic disputes are fuckin dangerous...Good luck bro.

  2. No big, Bushwahack. She can't stand to NOT be in control so I seriously doubt she'll ever comment again.
    But you ain't lyin, about my Big Fat Redneck Divorce. I was seriously wondering why we weren't on Cops with all her bullshit.

  3. Bad boy, huh, whatcha gonna do?

    Whatcha gonna do when they fuck with you??

    I know what I did, I told my ex to fuck the fuck off, she was remarried and that made her HIS fucking problem... That was 19 years ago, and I have been one happy SOB ever since... :)

  4. At least it wasn't two ex-wives who are both nuttier than batshit. Then again, I can spend an hour or so telling batshit crazy stories about my exe's behavior which usually leaves the guys I'm telling it to rolling on the floor laughing and women with shocked faces.

  5. TexasFred, I seriously wish she would remarry and direct her wrath on somebody else.

  6. Fuck Aewl, if we had hours and hours and I could stay sober that long I could tell you some stories.
    I'll start you with one:
    I spent 12 motherfucking hours loading trucks and was tired as hell and on my way home when I got a call from Niki asking if I would mind stopping by our favorite hamburger stand for dinner because she was STILL IN HER PAJAMAS at 7:00 PM.
    No shit.

  7. Alimony... The fucking we get for the fucking we got...

  8. Wirecutter,
    Remember awhile back that I said "at least no one called anybody a PRAIRIE NIGGER"? Well, I recant that statement.

  9. Funny how I haven't received a comment or an email from her since I posted this.....

  10. I used to work with a guy who'd been married & divorced 4 times. He told me this joke:
    Why are divorces so expensive?
    Because they're WORTH IT!

    Your ex is just jealous because you've got a kickass blog, a badass dog and some female readers who think you're hot. Post more pictures.

  11. In pj's at 7? Phffft.... my first ex-wife while I was deployed had the checkbook. For about 3 months, whenever she deposited money in the account would write the balance down in the checkbook that the bank gave her. Nevermind that it clearly says does not reflect any outstanding checks. 32 bounced checks later, I get notified by my CO about it. Fucking bitch cost me 700 in bounced check fees. Needless to say, I closed the checking account.

  12. Game on! This should be fun.

  13. Am I the only happily married guy out here??? Oh wait, that's right, I'm on morphine... never mind....

  14. I'm with Zilla/MJ on hot. HOT, HOT, HOT! Always liked me a Man's Man and not some limp wrist. KCS You Kick Ass Kenny! Oh, ya...more pictures.

  15. Yeah?? well let me tell you some ex-husband stories!! lol
    Tattoo Jim you are priceless and just as hot as Kenny ;)))

  16. Wirecutter, quit posting those "your hot" comments man... You know YOU are the one doing it, aint no females out there that fuckin blind!

  17. No, it's true, I am ruggedly handsome.
    Thank God for photoshop......

  18. OK, so at age 30 I went to work about 7:00AM & came home about 12:00 for lunch and my entire house was totally empty. My then (soon to be ex) wife had hauled everything out of the house to move in with her sister's ex-husband. All in all it was worth the price of the furniture.

  19. Ok, one more. My first ex-wife filed a restraining order against me accusing me of hitting her and abusing her. Yes, there were a lot of times I really wanted to beat the crap out of her, but I didn't. After going to court and having her lie her ass off to the judge, she finally admitted that the restraining order was filed because I wasn't paying enough attention to her and doing what she wanted me to do.

    That was the final straw for that marriage, I moved out a few hours later.

    Oooh, just remembered one about my second ex. After a long day at work, I came home and fell asleep on the couch watching TV. I had just pulled a 24 hour duty shift where I had zero sleep. She claims she couldn't wake me up, so grabs a frying pan (thankfully an aluminum one) and bashes me upside the head with it to wake me up so I would go sleep in the bed with her!


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