
Monday, April 04, 2011

Noooooo comment. Really.


  1. Either he's the defense lawyer,coach or parole officer.

  2. sooo apropho..........hehehehe. I felt like that a few times when I was trying to sign up for technical school for my A&P license. if I was subsahara-nubian taking cosmetology classes, it would have been fine. but a white person wanting to take a technical course?....nothing like giving the honkie wrong information every time he comes in here. sheesh....don't bother complaining...since I represent the white power structure. I am just a bit tired of the double standard.

  3. was that pic taken in the oval office ?

  4. Hey Ken, he is the white boy them nigs play for friend... who else do you think could be their A/V I/T tech? Them future penetetiary inmates and welfare fraud baby daddies couldn't change the oil in your frikkin lawnmower WIRECUTTER! Eventually the stupid crakka gonna get his multiculti diverse gratefullydeadhead dumbass self ditched! SUICIDE SOLUTION? Hope So!


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