
Monday, April 18, 2011

Old is old - Old is not dumb

A cockstrong young man at a construction site was bragging that he could out-do anyone in a feat of strength.
He made a special case of making fun of one of the older workmen.
After several minutes, the older worker had enough.
"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is," he said. "I'll bet a week's wages that I can haul something in a wheelbarrow over to that building that you won't be able to wheel back."
"You're on, old man,' the braggart replied. 'Let's see you do it."
The old man reached out and grabbed the wheelbarrow by the handles. Then, nodding to the young man, he said, "All right, Dumbass, get in."



  1. Bella -- outstanding!

    "Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill."

  2. Years back in my sales days, I sold a roof top Heat Pump and new roof on a row house to a customer.
    Day of the work, the roofer called saying he needed more money to replace some damaged subroof.
    I went out there, then called the home improvement manager and said Ray ya gotta come out here.
    Ray arrived, the roofer had a 4x8 sheet of plywood on the roof and said he needed another hundred.
    Ray looked at the job, replacing about a 3x4 section of rotted wood, then said I'll bet you double or nothing I can replace that wood in less than 5 minutes.
    The bet was on.
    Ray positioned the new plywood over the damaged area, nailed it down in opposing corners, leaving the nails about an inch high. Then he ran the circular saw around the perimeter of the plywood, removed the plywood and 4x8 area underneath it, slid the plywood in place and nailed it down. 3 mins 26 secs.

  3. Reminds me of this (questionable) story:

    "Charles Steinmetz, the famous German-American electrical engineer and inventor, was known as the "Electrical Wizard" during his long career at General Electric. After he retired, GE brought him back as a consultant to determine what had caused a breakdown in a complex systems of machines. The cause of the breakdown baffled all GE's experts. Steinmetz spent some time walking around and testing the various parts of the machine complex. Finally, he took out of his pocket a piece of chalk and marked an X on a particular part of one machine. The GE people disassembled the machine, discovering to their amazement that the defect lay precisely where Steinmetz's chalk mark was located.

    "Some days later Steinmetz sent GE an invoice for $10,000.00. They protested the amount and asked him to itemize it. He sent back an itemized invoice:

    "Making one chalk mark:$1.00

    "Knowing where to place it:$9,999.00"

  4. I wonder where I'd fit in that picture, I'm hittin on 60 somenint or other.


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