
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just sayin'........

When asked in a recent survey, 90 per cent of American men responded that their most memorable and joyous moment in life was being present at the birth of their first-born child. Obviously none of them have ever seen an illegal alien getting run over crossing the freeway.....


  1. Or F*ckin raghead blowing himself and his buds up while building an IED.
    Happy times, happy times.

  2. Mine were adopting my daughter and seeing my son born.

    While they were tied for the best, a close second has to be when I shot a guy in the balls as he was trying to rob me. Seeing his face turn milk white, his eyes open wide like platters and the wave of shock actually riple across his face sort of made it for me (well it took 2 days before it was confirmed I got him). Remembering that precise moment just after impact is sweet.

    All the best,
    Glenn B


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