
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Yeah, let's open those borders

So your neighborhood will look like this:


  1. HAH!
    Most of Wilmington ("Wilmas", el-dude) looks like that, along with the South East part of Carson, and sections of San Pedro and Long Beach I refuse to go near.
    There's a place in San Pedro called "Ports O' Call" that used to be really nice. Now it looks (and sounds and smells) like Tijuana.

  2. F-15s. Now thats boarder patrol.

  3. President Eisenhower initiated "Operation Wetback" back in the 50's. Millions of illegal mexicans were systematically rounded up and shipped back to mexico. The problem stayed fixed until the late sixties until the liberals fukked everything.
    If you don't believe this just do a search on it. You'll also find out that it was the 2nd time in the 20th century that a President had done that...

  4. That kind of looks like most of the 7-11's and Wal-Mart's around the Northern Virginia area.....


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