
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Prosecutorial Discretion

Just a teaser for you but it's an article well worth reading if your way of thinking runs with mine.

If there are so many laws and so many crimes happening that prosecutors have to triage which incidents to move on and which ones to look the other way, then that points to more serious underlying problems (too many laws?). Whatever the supposed justification for the practice, I don’t see how empowering some ”top cop” to look the other way solves anything. I mean you could have, hypothetically, a perfect set of laws and a perfect police force, but if the D.A. gets to pick and choose, and he isn’t perfect, then none of the other stuff matters.

Read the rest here at Restore The Constitution


  1. Well said, if a LAW is not going to be prosecuted then why is it a law.
    Too many laws on the books make every American a criminal, it is time we repealed the laws, turned back the clock and made comon sense laws trhe norm.
    The so called one off laws, the ones made because one person caused it is a prime example of pilling on, there is no need for that and all it does is make it an example of one stupid person being stupid and the rest having to pay for it.
    One bad apple should not cause a law to be made that prosecutes the good apples.

  2. See also:

    Bad cops are one thing, but when their actions are so blatantly illegal that even OTHER cops want them charged with a crime and can't get the DA/PA to do it....where does that leave the rest of us?


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