
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Calling a spade a spade

(The Hill) — Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) said the media protect President Obama and will work to get him reelected because he is black.
“This guy pushed every one of the media’s buttons,” Walsh said in an interview with the Media Research Center. “He was liberal, he was different, he was new, he was black. Oh my God, it was the potpourri of everything.”
Walsh was responding to a question from Media Research Center President Brent Bozell about the “race warfare games” of the Obama administration.
“They are so vested in our first black president not being a failure that it’s going to be amazing to watch the lengths they go to to protect him,” Walsh said. “They, I believe, will spout this racist line if some of their colleagues up here aren’t doing it aggressively enough. There is going to be a real desperation.”
- Weasel Zippers


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