
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

When the economy collapes and we find ourselves in the shit

This is what the liberals will be doing.
That's right, standing in a line waiting for somebody else to help them.

And here's where you'll find the Conservatives. Notice any difference?


  1. One town over from us is a very liberal enclave. I joke with my friends that we an get all the food and water we need over there after the SHTF :)

  2. They look like rejects from a Mad Max movie...

  3. What the lids WILL be doing? Hell, man, walk through Berkley or Dearborn or Chicago- that's what the bastards are doing NOW!
    Resist we much... and we must shall... much wtf.

  4. Looks like Burning Man.
    A buncha hippies that shoulda died out by now.


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