
Sunday, October 09, 2011

Just in time for the Obamessiahs' campaign

WASHINGTON (AP) — A key House investigator says he could send subpoenas to the Obama administration as soon as this week over weapons lost amid the Mexican drug war.
House oversight committee chairman Darrell Issa suggested on "Fox News Sunday" that Attorney General Eric Holder knew about the gun trafficking operation known as "Fast and Furious" earlier than he has acknowledged. Subpoenas could go out as soon as this week, Issa said.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in 2009 allowed intermediaries for drug cartels to buy thousands of weapons from Arizona gun shops and lost track of about 1,400 of the 2,000 of those guns. Some of those weapons have been recovered at crime scenes in Mexico.


I find it ironic that the agency that was formed to trample on our God-given Rights is under the gun (pun intended) for worse crimes that they are supposed to protect us from.
Fuck 'em. The ATF has run rampant for too long, answering to nobody, and making their own rules as they go along.
It's time to disband the entire agency and convict Holder and his master, Obama.


  1. "It's time to disband the entire agency and convict Holder and his master, Obama."



  2. It's also time to repeal ALL laws restricting the "Right to keep and bear arms"
    Eliminate the "F" from BATFE.
    The Agency seems to have few problems with A T and E part of their job.
    Paul in Texas


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