
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Maine Law Aims To Eliminate Wolf-Dog Hybrids

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Wolf hybrids, animals that are a cross between wolves and dogs, will vanish from Maine over time if a new state law works as designed.
The law prohibits people from acquiring wolf hybrids without a special wildlife-in-captivity permit, and it requires current owners to have the animals neutered.
Supporters of the law say wolf hybrids have been responsible for numerous brutal attacks around the country, particularly against children. Wolf hybrids are predatory and should be in the wild, said state Sen. David Trahan, who sponsored the bill that outlaws them.
"Wolf hybrids are not pets,'' he said. "Would people consider bringing a coyote or mountain lion into their home crossed with another cat or another dog?''
Jim Doughty, who operates a wolf hybrid refuge in Bristol that is not affected by the law because it is already licensed by the state, said people who want the animals will skirt the law by licensing them as shepherd or huskie mixes rather than wolf hybrids. The law is misguided and unfairly brands the animals, said Doughty, who keeps four wolf hybrids at the Wolf Ledge Refuge.
"Any animal, no matter whether it's a pure wolf or a Chihuahua or a pug or anything else, depends on the person and how they raise it,'' he said. "It's the same thing with your kids. If you're abusive toward your kids, they're not going to be so good. If you work with them, they'll be great.''
Maine legislators last spring passed emergency legislation aimed at getting rid of wolf hybrids, which are also known as wolf dogs or wolf-dog hybrids. Trahan introduced the legislation after people in his district raised concerns about Doughty's wolf hybrid refuge, which he opened last year and is licensed to have up to 20 of the animals.
Wolf hybrids have been responsible for at least 84 attacks that have either maimed or killed people in the past three decades, said Merritt Clifton, editor of Animal People, an animal protection newspaper based in Washington state. Of those attacks, 69 involved children and 19 resulted in deaths.
Clifton, who has tracked dog attacks nationally for decades, said that's a huge number considering wolf dogs make up only an estimated 1/100th of 1 percent of all dogs in the U.S.
Read the rest here at Predator Xtreme


Fuck, I love my wolfdog. He's the first one I've ever lived with (I don't think anybody could own that motherfucker) and I wouldn't be adverse to owning another one. He's got all the qualities I've ever wanted in a dog, and then some.
He's protective of his property without being aggressive, but he lets it be known he won't put up with any bullshit. He loves kids and other animals, loves women but not so much men which is cool when you consider most burglars are men. There's no doubt in my mind that he'd die for me and Lisa if it came down to the wire.
His bad points? I don't think I'll ever be able to tame him completely, not that I'd want to. He still has a few wild ways. He minds when he wants to, if not, he just wanders off. He'll never be broke completely to a leash - he has to lead. He plays really rough with me when we roughhouse, almost to the point of him drawing blood. And last but not least, he's smart, a lot smarter than he needs to be. There's times I'll swear that fucker can reason just like a human.
I gotta agree with the article though. It just depends on the owner and how the animal is treated. I've seen some good dogs ruined for life, by both cruelty and (ARE YOU READING THIS,  LISA?) spoiling it. I've found over the years that it's best to show very little emotion when dealing with the dog right at first - don't get angry and don't lavish it with rewards when it does good. And never ever hit or kick the dog unless you want to look over your shoulder the rest of it's life. You may forget doing it but I doubledamn guarentee you that it won't. And to be straight up with you, if you're the kind to take out your temper on an animal, you deserve to get bit.


  1. Didn't read the entire post because I'm seeing double, but I got the jist of it. These people have their heads in the sand. They should be outlawing muslim hybrids and purebreds, as if there is a muslim purebred. They are the real problem.
    And yeah, my mixed breed 60lb black chunk of teeth and energy has no problem letting me or anyone else know when enough is enough. Like CGD, smart, clever,and will draw blood (usaully mine)when fucked with too much. Wouldn't trade her for anything.

  2. Maybe NutJob is a wolf-dog: part wolf, part Corgi. Hey, it could happen.

  3. Absolute Bullshit !!
    The Center for Disease Control records show fatal dog attacks from 1979 to 1996 by breed.
    Pit Bulls 60
    Rottweiler 29
    German Shepards 19
    Husky 14
    Malemute 12
    Doberman 8

    Wolf/Hybrid 14
    Seems to me the wolf hybrid (not as rare as people think) are not the problem.
    The people who own these dogs have more responsibility for the attacks than any specific breed.
    By the way, wirecutter, You are right. Treat your dog right, NEVER hit the dog, your tone of voice is enough. The dog really just wants to please you. and you should never have a problem with him.
    The macho baddass who gets his power thrill from having the baddest dog in the world and then needs to prove how bad he is by beating his own dog is the problem.
    Paul in Texas

  4. I realize this is an older post, but here it goes anyway (you refered to him as a wolfdog in a current post and I had to look at previous posts to see more of him).

    First off I totally agree that its an owner problem not a breed (or mix) problem, talk to the pittbull rescue folks for more info on dealing with that.

    2nd, if they DO ban wolfdogs (hope not, but I know how it goes) where you are, and you like that temperment and view on life, you may want to consider one of the more primitive breeds. The list includes (but isn't limited too) Tibetan Mastiffs, Akita, Shiba Inu, Basenji, New Guinea Singer and Lundhound. Alot of the traits you mention in the wolfdog are present in these breeds (though they're often at least a BIT more trainable).


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