
Saturday, November 12, 2011

The cult of the M1911A1

Sean Linnane did an excellent post on why the M1911A1 is such a popular pistol for those that trust their lives on it.
I agree with him - the pistol straight out of the box is a great platform to build upon - but the biggest selling point to me is the ease that it takes to modify it yourself. Anybody with half a brain can do basic modifications to the handgun to suit his/her purposes at their dining room table.
When I bought my Colt Officers Model back in '89, I took it to the range and put 500 rounds through it the first day. That night, I was installing new grips and dehorning it. A week later when the parts came in I installed a new trigger, springs, mainspring, and an extended slide release with the total cost still coming in at less than a fully modified clone would cost me.
22 years and well over 10,000 rounds later, the gun is still my favorite weapon.
For the original post over at Stormbringer, go here. He does a much better job of explaining his reasons for the love affair than I ever could.


  1. Hey Kenny's readers, Stormbringer did a real nice tribute to the Wirecutter the other day. Head over to Sean linnane, I think it's still up. If not, hit the archives the last coupla days. Nice touch, I almost cried so I immediately did a jigger of Louisiana hot sauce to head that gay shit off. Best hangover cure in the world too!

  2. Nice weapon but I still like my old wheelguns... semi's are a blast to target shoot with but I'd rather bet my life on a six shooter... yeah, I'm an old fucker!

  3. Colt 45 1911 is my favorite too. I like the Glock 9 as well, but well everyone's got one of those.

  4. The only tupperware in our house is on her side of the bed.

  5. First pistol I ever shot was my Dad's GI 45. Been in love with them ever since!

  6. I was hooked after I fired the first shot from my dad's 1911. Wheelguns are also awsesome.

  7. Wire, I just took my 16 y.o. son shooting on Sunday with the 1911A1 I inherited from my father. Was a Pacific theater weapon modified by my dad's friends during the war. Dad flew (was an officer - and had the sidearm) but during down time on the islands, they searched for Japs. The metal around the grip has pock marked dimples in front and filed slash marks in the back. The solid feel in the hand is incredible. Sweat and humidity not a problem. Get to teach the boy (young man) how to clean it tonight, just as my dad did with me. He likes shooting this and is a good shot. Someday, it will be his.


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