
Sunday, November 20, 2011

I knew it

Officers in pepper spray incident placed on leave
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A California university placed two of its police officers on administrative leave Sunday because of their involvement in the pepper spraying of passively sitting protesters, while the school's chancellor accelerated a task force's investigation into the incident amid calls for her resignation.
The president of the 10-campus University of California system also weighed in on the growing fallout from Friday's incident at UC Davis, saying that he is "appalled" at images of students being doused with pepper spray and plans a far-reaching, urgent assessment of law enforcement procedures on all campuses.

Videos posted online of the incident clearly show one riot-gear clad officer dousing the line of protesters with spray as they sit in a line with their arms intertwined. Spicuzza told the AP that the second officer was identified during an intense review of several videos.
"We really wanted to be diligent in our research, and during our viewing of multiple videos we discovered the second officer," Spicuzza said. "This is the right thing to do."
Read it all here.


  1. Aw hell...I'll fly out and take the heat for the next "Incident" for the boys in blue.

  2. I'm thinking ANY LEO in an area of OWS protests should just not show up for work. I'd suggest ANY action a LEO is called to near a OWS protest get a signed release from his Mayor/ city council/Lt. Talk about a rock in a hard place...

  3. What a load of CRAP and what babies the students are and the pussy head of the college.

    Assholes were offered a way out and warned several times what was going to happen to them if they didn't obey orders BUT NOOOO they they have been brought up to believe they are immune to CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR ACTIONS. They learned the hard way and now are crying about it.

    MAN UP FUCKERS if you have a point to make stick your hand up when they call for volunteers for arrest and take your medicine or STFU and get out of the way.

  4. Ya know what? The Police need to just leave. It won't be but a day or too of unsupervised chaos and anarchy before the schools liberal educators and administrators will be screaming for Police to come save their asses.

  5. thinking outside the box, if they didn't use rubber bullets....


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