
Monday, November 07, 2011

Madam Botox speaks

Here's a couple of paragraphs taken from a story in the New Yorker. For the all the bullshit go to the liberal rag here.

Pelosi barely slowed to breathe as she held forth on the issues of the day, from the World Series (she refused her husband’s entreaties to turn off the sixth game and go to sleep) to Occupy Wall Street. “People say, ‘Oh, they don’t have a message,’ ” she said. “They don’t need a message. They’re making a statement.” Although she didn’t have all the details of a recent clash in Oakland between police officers and protesters that left an Iraq War veteran hospitalized, she expressed disapproval of the police’s use of force. “I simply don’t understand why they did it,” she said. “It isn’t, I don’t think, appropriate.”
Pelosi rarely watches television, except for sports, and she hasn’t watched any of the Republican Presidential-candidate debates. She believes that Obama is in better shape than the polls indicate. “The Republicans are helping him a lot,” she said. “The extremists—I don’t like to even use that word—those Republicans going too far, sort of stir up the Democratic base, and point out the urgency.”


Just a couple of comments, but Pelosi is so full of herself that I have to limit myself - I have a dental appointment in a couple of hours.

“They don’t need a message. They’re making a statement.”
Yeah, they need a message. You've got a bunch of idiots out there raising hell and costing their cities thousands of dollars a day to keep them under control and without a message, they're not accomplishing a damned thing. All they're doing is being a pain in the ass.

 she expressed disapproval of the police’s use of force. “I simply don’t understand why they did it,” she said. “It isn’t, I don’t think, appropriate.”
Um, because Oakland is a city of thugs and anarchists that riot at the drop of a hat. The police's use of force is what we like to call 'heading them off at the pass'.
(Remember when the transit cop shot that homeless dude accidentally? 3 days of rioting, with thousands and thousands of dollars in damage to personal property.)
After the OWS camp was cleared out, they were allowed to return last week and what happened? More destruction of private property.
And why is it, Madam Botox, that when the Tea Parties gathered for their peaceful protests, you condemned them and called them extremists (even though you don't like to use that word) but when it's your own scum that's illegally occupying public property and commiting crimes, you give them your blessing?

She believes that Obama is in better shape than the polls indicate.
Yeah, what the hell do the people know?  That statement just goes to show how out of touch you are with reality. Remember when your mama told you not to cross your eyes because they might stay that way? That's what happened to your brain.


  1. Ya -- We have to pass this bill in order to see whats in it.
    I think the woman is certifiable.
    Paul in Texas


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