
Monday, November 07, 2011

My Git Kit

I got a request last week about my Git Kit, so I decided to post it today. What the hell, I'd been planning on it for a while, I just needed a kick in the ass to unpack, photograph it and re-pack it.
Now you have to keep in mind that this is MY kit, suitable for MY climate and MY options. I would be stupid to try and use this in the Northeast or the Great Plains area, in fact, anywhere other than the Southwest or Kalifornia. You have to pack your own to suit your own purposes, so this is just an example for 98% (I'll never use the term '99%' again) of you.
So here goes:

Packed and ready to go, in my living room.

Unpacked for your viewing pleasure

Basically what I've got is enough to live on for 3-7 days either in the woods or in town, but mostly leaning towards a rural area.

Working from bottom to the top there is: an e-tool, socks (6 pairs total), personal hygiene kit, TP, 1 pair of Carhartt pants, a BDU shirt, K-Bar, a fine Arkansas stone, skinning knife and diamond hone, water filter, batteries, sewing kit, first aid pouch, canteen cup (with socks inside), cleaning kit, 50 rounds of 41 magnum underneath my cleaning kit, 60 rounds for my long range rifle, a brick of fire starter, a garbage bag, sunblock, heavy gloves, 25' of 3'8" rope, 100' feet of 3/8" rope, 8' x 12' camo tarp, poncho liner, and a machete.
On top of the poncho liner is my Rocket Pocket stove, 16 hours of fuel, a C-link, spoon, an assortment of zip-lok bags and 6 freeze dried meals.
Not pictured is a case of matches, instant coffee, and a baggie full of individually packed oatmeal - I had set them aside for some reason and I'll be damned if I'm going to unpack and re-pack for another picture, so you'll just have to imagine them there.
Why the machete? It's a tool, not a weapon, used to clear brush that's too light for a saw and too springy for an ax.
In the top picture, the digital camo bag holds my camo dome tent.

My Rocket Pocket cookstove

Attached to the outside of my backpack are pouches containing absolute necessities that I can snatch in case I have to drop my ruck and run.

The first aid pouch contains band-aids and disinfectant in the tube, 2 packets of Quik Clot for deep gashes, alcohol swabs, a packet of Celox for arterial bleeding or gunshot wounds, a high speed tourniquet (thanks, D), ace bandage and triangular bandage, a tube of Krazy Glue and finally an aspirin bottle full of 800 mg Ibuprofen.
With the Quik Clot, glue and Celox, you can probably tell that I'm not into home suturing, huh?

The other pouch contains a snap link, skeeter repellant, multi-tool (again, thanks, D) an emergency blanket/bag, fire steel, an emergency weather alert radio, flashlight, a bottle of treated dryer lint for tinder, my marching compass and 50 feet of 550 cord.

So there it is. I also have my basic load of ammo for my weapon and night vision scope in a medics' bag to be slung over my shoulder and a 2 quart canteen to round out my gear.
Total weight without the tent and ammo? 28 pounds.

Again, I have to stress that I live in a mild climate - it rarely gets below freezing here. Even so, now that the weather has taken a chill, I'm adding a couple pairs of long underwear to the ruck and keeping my hunting coat and gloves within reach.

And where do I store all this? In my living room 8 feet away from my Camouflaged Bass Pro Easy Chair and 15 feet from my front door. I don't give a shit what it looks like there, although it does fit in nicely with my Early American White Trash decor. What good is there in having a Git Kit if you have to dig it all out? I can grab my gear and be rolling down the road in less than 1 minute.

Finally, just a quick note: Most of this stuff I already had for hunting and camping. Sure, I had to buy some duplicate stuff, but I was surprised at what I already had 2 or 3 of. The hardest part was finding a decent pack that was roomy, enough zippers and compartments to make everything easily accessible, and most of all, comfortable. I picked that one up at Big 5 Sporting Goods on sale for 20 bucks (really!!!) and it's lightweight, made of durable waterproof material, has a internal frame, and everything is triple stitched. Not only that, but it doesn't look military. Without a weapon, I'd look like every other street guy bumming beer money.


  1. I noticed the weather radio is showing 69 degs... "Perfect Temp"

    Also thanks for the ideas on stuff to have when you gotta git

  2. That was inside the house, Irish. 54 degrees outside, nice and balmy.

  3. Looks good. I would pack a paperback novel to keep sane. Steven King's "The Stand" comes to mind. Oh and more TP 'cause I'm really full of sh..t.

  4. Great post, Kenny!
    I've been meaning to build one up for myself, and I'll pattern it on yours.
    I got a couple of those "72 Hour Survival Kit" packages from the surplus place down here, and they're in the wife's trunk for her use.
    Something bigger and badder like this is what I should carry in my Jeep!

  5. I keep my kit in my truck, it allows me to carry a water purification set up, fishing gear for the season, and two rifles and two shotguns and ammo. Other than that my kit is very similar to yours, except for the socks.

  6. Don't wear socks with your boots, Daver?
    I'd carry the same shit in my truck if I could. I'm subject to random vehicle searches at work and they'd make me empty the pack every damned time.

  7. I carry two pairs of socks, but unless there is two feet of snow on the ground I could probably go barefoot, it's quieter that way.

  8. Unsat Wirecutter, Unsat. You now have roving motor pool guard this weekend, 0001-0800. Full Battle Rattle, 5 rounds, Mattock handle. Report for Guardmount @ 1800 Friday. SOG-SFC Hanna (OSHIT)
    Gig#1- No prophylactics
    Gig#2- No mini-thins or ripped fuel
    Gig#3- Unsharpened E-tool
    Gig#4- No 2-quart canteen filled
    with Everclear
    Gig#5- No queen-sized panty hose
    for ruckmarch insulated
    Gig#6- No Right Guard anti-
    perspirant for the FUMUNDA

  9. you forgot the weed and a bottle of jack daniels.

  10. Glad you included socks and Celox. that is because you've been in service, right? anyone who has been in battle condition knows that the feet are the most vulnerable link, and anything form a case of bad jungle rot, athlete's foot, or infected blisters, can shut your ass down and leave you unable to hustle, climb or cover ground. Dry socks, maybe small foot powder, can go a lng way.
    And I like Celox - good stuff.

  11. Nuthin like bein prepared. I backpacked through Colorado with far less stuff. Of course I was 18, young and dumb, and damned near froze to death once.


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