
Friday, December 16, 2011

And she's off!!!

First Ho Mooch-elle and the girls are headed to Hono­lulu on Friday for a 17-day vacation courtesy of you and me. The African will likely join them after the current spending bill is settled in Congress.
But Mooch-elle isn't going to let the absence of the Obamessiah cut any expenses. I found this over at White House Dossier:

First lady Michelle Obama’s separate voyage to Hawaii promises to cost taxpayers tens of thousand in extra dollars, as her separate entourage and hefty flying costs pile on the costs.
The military jet flight alone is priced at more than $60,000, according to government estimates. But that’s only the beginning. The additional cargo flight that often accompanies the first lady on such a trip must also be paid for, as well as the limos and other accoutrements it will contain.
As she will be separated from the presidential security bubble, Michelle will require her own entourage of Secret Service protection, in addition to the staffers who will be leaving early to go to Hawaii with her.
The total tab will certainly be in excess of $100,000, and possibly quite a bit more.

That ain't including lodging, extravagant meals and entertainment and shit like that as well as the occassional clandestine hook-ups with Secret Service agents.

This is only a month after His Wannabe Highness signed the Executive Order 13589 (found here at seeking to limit travel and let's not forget about all the harping over carbon emissions. Now she's got Al Gore pissed off at her too.

The one thing that I wonder about is just what does she need vacations from? She doesn't work!!! Fuck man, her lifestyle would be a vacation to me. Be having some other guy doing my chores, carrying my rifle, CharlieGodammit gnawing on somebody else's arm for a change, and driving me everywhere? Shit, I'd be so fucking bored I'd have to take a vaca......
Oh yeah, huh?

Well, the obvious solution would be to put her ass to work but I really have to wonder doing what? She's pretty much worthless.

All links are courtesy of


  1. Send the silverbacks on a one way trip back to africa I have no problem using my tax dollars for this

  2. Ya know what?!?! If these government fucks had to live a lousy month on a $23.000 a year salary then maybe, just maybe, they would see what the rest of us have to deal with on a daily basis. They wouldn't know how to cook a pot of beans and some cornbread to feed a family.


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