
Sunday, December 04, 2011

The economy's so fucked even the illegals are staying home

MEXICALI, Mexico (WaPo) — Arrests of illegal migrants trying to cross the southern U.S. border have plummeted to levels not seen since the early 1970s, according to tallies released by the Department of Homeland Security last week, a historic shift that could reshape the debate over immigration reform.
The Border Patrol apprehended 327,577 illegal crossers along the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2011, which ended Sept. 30, numbers not seen since Richard Nixon was president, and a precipitous drop from the peak in 2000, when 1.6 million unauthorized migrants were caught. More than 90 percent of the migrants apprehended on the southwest border are Mexican.
The number of illegal migrants arrested at the border has been dropping over the past few years but appears to be down by more than 25 percent this year.


  1. Hey, WC,
    Arrests are down. It doesn't say anything about the numbers still headed this way. In other words, the Border Patrol isn't doing their job thanks to you know who.

  2. I wonder... Is this like the unemployment rate being down? You know, don't count the people who've just stopped trying to find a job. Maybe the good folks in Border Patrol just don't give a shit anymore with the liberals as their bosses.......

  3. This is the master plan of the democrat party. No Jobs, Illegals "Self Deport" that way they can say they did something about Illegal Immigration and didn't hurt anyones feelings..

    Of course it has unintended consequences. You know AMERICANS being out of work, potential Dems leaving the nation oh and DEMS losing their jobs next year but hey nobody got their feelers busted

  4. Well, most of my in-laws and their friends are illegals, and there's some activity there in terms of more folks deciding that it's time to go home and retire on what they've saved here; the professional criminals among them are staying, of course, but the workers are going home. Of the folks still showing up, there are less workers and more full time scumbags showing up as well. I'd imagine that it's the same with the wetbacks.


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