
Monday, December 05, 2011

Fuck the Feds

My psycho neighbor Bruce caught me and Lisa when we came back from shopping this morning and told us that he'd been trying to catch us, early yesterday morning a late model gray pickup with 2 guys inside came down the street and took pictures of my place when it rolled past - didn't stop, just slowly rolled past taking pictures.
See, now if I was Bruce I would've called, or knocked on the door or hollered over the back fence or something other than wait to catch us out front. I know he doesn't care for CharlieGodammit much, but damn......


  1. Battleship grey 1980 Chevy 2wd? That was me and Bubba trying to get some home and garden decorating ideas!

  2. Shit, you should've stopped and had some bacon. I could've shown you my backyard too.

  3. I have seen this drive by action in a couple of blogs lately. And in person.

    If you haven't been yet, get ready for an audit. Just sayin'. It's another emerging trend.

  4. The wife and I have had three such drive-bys in the last month that we've noticed. There were probably more. None of mine looked like Feds - amateurs, more likely. One was even two gals.

    The shame of it is: I've pissed off so many people I really don't know who to blame. ;)

    But I would encourage any of them to just knock on the door - we'll answer and invite them inside...


  5. I know this is a long shot ( now, THAT woulda been fun, eh? Like a .243 or 7mm long shot) but if you live in a rural area, do you think that whoever takes those Google street view photos would have been the ones? I know nothing about your area, but in the big cities they seem to use plain vans, which wold not be too good in the outback.

    Of course, it coulda just been some bastards up to no good, so maybe you wanna rig a couple of 12 gauge surprises over your exterior door frames when you leave? Or at least a hidden motion sensor cam. So you know who to track down.

  6. Toaster802 - Thankfully my taxes are pretty striaghtforward - hardly any deductions, hardly any refund.

    Kerodin - This is the second time it happened, the first being a few months ago.
    No big thing, really. What's going to happen is going to happen and there ain't much I can do to prevent it, but I can prepare for it.


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