
Saturday, May 07, 2011

I bet I know who won this one

Emergency crews are responding to an accident in the northbound lanes of Highway 99 near Turlock. A big rig reportedly ran over a motorcyclist. The California Highway Patrol has closed the northbound lanes while a medical helicopter lands on the freeway. The southbound lanes remain open; traffic is moving slowly.

Read more:

Friday, May 06, 2011

Just sayin'......

President Bush tried and failed to find and kill bin laden. President Clinton tried and failed. President Obama tried and succeeded. The moral of this is.....
If you want someone dead, hire a black guy.

-Mr. orsm

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Thankee, thankee

To all the kind folks that gave me tips on my earlier post worrying about CharlieGodammit getting poisoned by my soon-to-be-ex-neighbors:
Thanks, some of the suggestions I will implement right away, such as suggestions about baiting him and using a shock collar which I bought tonight.
Some will go into effect in a week or 3 concerning cameras as soon as I can possibly afford them.
Some I can't do (but still appreciate) such as putting him in the garage or caging him in the house. It was 95 degrees here today and I have a detached garage. I went in the garage to get an AC filter today and broke out in a sweat after just a few seconds. The heat would kill him. I won't cage a wolfdog (or any dog, for that matter) he's just too active. Caging him would break him and I don't want that. Plus, I'm gone 14+ hours a day.
Now. Only me feeding him. He's funny about that. The Sikh market down the road employs a guy a couple hours a night to help out with re-stocking and Donnie is a little slow but he's a great guy. I have him hold CGD when I go in and slip him a few bucks and a doggie treat for CGD while I go score my beer. CGD will never accept the DT from Donnie until I come out even though he likes him.
CGD was an adult when I got him so I never got the opportunity to train to not eat anything from the yard. And believe me, that motherfucker is a chowhound. He kills and eats birds, ground squirrels, and I suspect the occasional stray cat that wanders into his yard. I try to keep his weight down so I only feed him one sixteen ounce can of dogfood a day, a couple of doggie treats and 1 piece of velveeta (at bedtime) a day. Now, that motherfucker runs his ass off all day long, patrolling his yard - I know, because I watch him when I'm off - yet when I tried to weigh him on my digital bathroom scales for this post, it wouldn't even register. I climbed on with a weight of 209, then picked him up and tried again. It wouldn't even register which tells me he's in excess of 90 pounds (the scales max out at 300 pounds) but I figure he's at about 125 pounds. He's getting his calories somewhere.
He's a big-ass wolfdog. He was a slim and trim 90 pounder until I cut his nuts off, then he gained more weight - all muscle and attitude.
And this is why I bought the shock collar - to keep him from eating shit that I don't personally give him. I plan on spending the weekend watching him from inside, and nailing him whenever he tries to stalk anything, eating shit friends and strangers (to him) throw over the fence, and anything else he may find. And I'm hoping that not only will this keep him from getting poisoned by my asshole neighbors but it may also help him to drop a few pounds.
But again, I want to thank each and every one of you motherfuckers that took the time to suggest something. I appreciate it, I really do. Y'all kick ass.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Yes. Yes we do, you fucking punk.

 President Barack Obama ordered grisly photographs of Osama bin Laden in death sealed from public view on Wednesday, declaring, "We don't need to spike the football" in triumph after this week's daring middle-of-the-night raid.


Hey motherfucker, we've all heard how you fucking delayed the decision to launch the raid for 16 hours. We know that you gave the coward an islamic burial to satisfy your muslim brothers (we must not offend them) and deny our Nation the pleasure of viewing his corpse at Ground Zero.
But now you deny us the pictures of him in death?
We have seen the videos of the planes flying into the tower. How grisly was that? We have seen the videos of people jumping to their deaths rather than face a fiery death. How grisly was that? We have seen the videos of beheadings by al quida. How grisly was that? And worst of all, we've all seen the pictures of our hometown soldiers that died in the hunt for him.
And now you deny us those pictures?
You're a fucking asshole, man.
We NEED to spike that football.

I need some serious redneck help here, Boys.

I don't remember how much I've posted about the problems I've been having with the motherfuckers across the street, but it's been some serious shit - they party over there every weekend and late (usually after midnight) they get out in the street screaming and yelling and raising hell which pisses me the fuck off. My home is where I go to relax, not to listen to a bunch of drunks that can't handle their alcohol being assholes.
So my response usually is to go out on the porch (lights out, no target for them) hit them with my LED maglight and tell them to shut the fuck up. Their answer to that is to start screaming threats. That's when I call the cops.
Me and their landlord get along real well, as a matter of fact his wife is a Pharmacy Tech where I get my presciptions filled for my BP and Crazy Man meds, so we stay in pretty close contact and they're well aware of the problems and promised to take care of it.
Ben texted me at work today and let me know that true to his word, he served them today with an eviction notice, but also gave me a heads up that fuckhead had posted on his facebook page that I was the one responsible for them getting the boot. Typical fucking youngsters, it wasn't their fault they got a notice, it was mine.
And being typical fucking youngsters, they don't have the balls to face me, that I know. As a matter of fact, when I came in from work tonight, their place was deserted - not a car in sight and seeing as 4 adults live there, that's pretty unusual. So naturally, I checked CGD to see if he was still alive and what his attitude was before I went into my home. He seemed cool, so I went in (cautiously, as usual) and everything was okay.
Like I said, these are youngsters I'm dealing with, not men. So my main concern is that they'll try to retaliate, but not face to face - break into my home when I'm at work, ambush me in the morning when it's dark and I'm walking to my truck, do a drive-by shooting or even worse, harm CGD. They know how much I love that fucker and how much he hates them. I can deal with them trying to deal with me and take the proper precautions, but I have no way in hell to keep them from hurting or poisoning my best bud except one.
I need to train that motherfucker to not eat anything in his yard. That's hard to do, seeing as I feed him outside and on pleasant evenings when I'm drinking outside I give him all kinds of treats when he's with me.
So tonight when I came in, I laid a doggie treat on the step and when he went for it, I told him no. He was cool with that. Not happy you understand, but he dealt with it. Then I gave him a treat inside the house. A little while later I threw some cheese (which he dearly loves) on the lawn. He went for it and I told him no again. A couple of seconds later, he tried again and I kicked him in the ribs. That hurt me more than it did him, I have never struck that wolfdog before.
A few minutes later, I went into the house and watched him from a shaded window. He wanted that cheese BAD, but he left it alone. An hour later, the cheese is still out there. Every once in a while, I'll lead him to it and tell him no again.
So I guess tomorrow I'll stop by the BassPro and buy a shock collar, then start chucking meat out into the yard when he can't see me do it and shock the shit out of him when he gets close to it.
I hate to resort to that but I honestly can't think of any other way to keep him from eating something in the yard.
I figure I have up to 60 days to train him. I don't think the fucking pussies will do anything as long as they're living there and Kalifornia law gives them that long before they have to vacate.
Breaking into my house? I have insurance. Ambush me and beat the fuck out of me? I've had my ass beat before. Do a drive-by? I doubt it but it could happen - I take precautions and I'll deal with it when and if it happens.
But fuck with my guardian and best friend? I'll go the joint over that one, motherfuckers.
Does anybody have any suggestions (other than the ones I mentioned) to protect CGD?
I'll know I successful when my psycho neighbor next door starts complaining about the smell of rotting meat and will I please dump that corpse in the river or something.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


You know, I just went over 19 years at my job a couple of weeks ago and I gotta tell you, I can't believe I've lasted that long at a job I really dislike.
Granted, my workplace and working conditions have greatly improved over the years but still, 19 years? Oh well, only another 4 years and I have the option to retire with half my pension (thanks to my ex) and move on to something else, although I doubt that's gonna happen.
Maybe I can move out of Kalifornia to some poverty stricken area where I can live on that and whatever minimum wage job I can find. I don't need much, just a roof over my head, food and beer in my belly and the occasional coyote to entertain. CGD can pretty much fend for himself as long as he's got something slower than himself to kill, so that's not a big worry.
It still pisses me off though - work my ass off all my life only to have my ex take half my retirement after her laying on her ass half our marriage, refusing to work. Her big excuse was if she worked we'd have to pay in to the IRS at tax time - no shit, she was willing to give up a monthly income because she was afraid we'd pay in instead of getting our usual small refund. But it didn't stop her from insisting on our monthly trips to the fucking Bay Area or twice yearly trips to Reno so she'd be entertained.
And I'm sure she'll read this, but she can bite me - the $100,000 it cost me to get rid of her ass was worth every penny.
Yeah, I'm fucking tired and cranky tonight. Even CGD is keeping his distance from me - he's laying at the door snarling at the assholes across the street. He's starting to get on my nerves with that and I'd kick his ass if I thought I could get away with it. With my luck though, he'd bite the fuck out of me and I'd lose time at work.
Enough sniveling. I'm going to bed.

Monday, May 02, 2011

bin ladens' death photo

If you want to see bin laden in death, go here:

I published this photo and then took it off. I'll let Bare Naked Islam show you.

I bet you already knew this

And what was the last thing that went through bin ladens' mind?
A 5.56 mm bullet.......

Same ol' shit

When I was on my little getaway, I realized how much I enjoyed NOT being online and having to find 5 or 10 things to post every day.
I know, you hear this shit from me every spring, but things are going to slow down here on Knuckledraggin. I'll post if I have something to share or say, but I don't want to feel obligated, at least for now.
Things will probably pick up again when it gets hot and I'm sitting under the AC, but right now the weather is nice, trout season opened, Sonora Pass will open soon and I need to get out and enjoy it while I can.
So, if you don't have your updates every day, deal with it. Hit the archives and keep checking back. It's only temporary. I'll post when I can.

I DID NOT kill bin laden on my vacation

Y'all may have noticed that I didn't post anything about bin laden. There was no need to, the news spread like wildfire.
I was walking CGD around the block so he could visit his neighborhood kids when cheers erupted from the house we were in front of. I thought there was a football/baseball/basketball (I don't follow sports) game on and didn't think much about it when the lady of the house came out and asked how long I'd been walking The Beast. I said "I dunno, a half hour mebbe?" and she gave me the news, said the bin laden had been killed by a bomb 4 days ago and they just released it after confirming his DNA.
I went home and that was the same story I got online.
Today I get the paper and hear that he was killed yesterday by a SEAL Team with a head shot through his eye.
Good going, Guys. I love you. The entire country loves you.

And no, I didn't have anything to do with it regardless of a couple of cool comments I got today.

You can lie all you want about where you are, we all know you were in Pakistan and provided the head shot...
Coyote hunting my ass... you been hunting bigger game is my guess... if the truth ever comes out, I'm betting it was you who popped Bin Ladin, Kenny!!! And I'm also betting there was a piece of bacon fat shoved in his mouth and a sausage link shoved up his ass... Way to go Wirecutter!!! Way to go!!!!
I doubledamn guarantee you that if I was there I would've hauled his ass out smeared in pig shit.
What pisses me the fuck off about the whole situation is the fact they gave him an islamic burial, albeit at sea.
They should've packed that bitch in ice, brought him back to the US and displayed his fucking corpse at Ground Zero until the flesh was falling off his bones, then fed him to the fucking pigs and then butchered them. I would've bought some of that bacon.
But that's just my opinion.
But speaking of burying him at sea, Woody was laughing at something he heard on Mark Levine:
Burying him at sea denies him his 72 virgins. Now he gets 72 sturgeons......

Back home and back to work, dammit.

I had a great time on my little trip except for the time CharlieGodammit decided to try his hand at driving when I wasn't paying attention and damned near ran us both off the road. I keep trying to tell the motherfucker he's not old enough to drive, but you know kids and dogs. And yeah, he spent the rest of the trip in the back where he belongs.
So I managed to call in one lousy fucking coyote between Mammoth and Bridgeport. It was a running shot from left to right but the wind was gusting so hard it was blowing the ice crust off the snow (thanks Derek, for the bad-ass desert shades - they work great in the snow too) and when I finally shot, I think the bullet actually landed behind me.
And my slump continues......... But CGD didn't kill anything either so I don't feel too bad.
I was so fucking beat when I came in early Saturday afternoon that I dropped my pack just inside the door, cleaned my rifle, then climbed in the shower. I may or may not have dried off when I climbed in my rack, I truly can't remember. I slept til coyote dawn the next day, so that was something like 17 hours?
But it was a good time.